Post pelvic radiation side effects.

  • 13 replies
  • 109 subscribers

My after effects didn't begin until about three months after I finished treatment. Four years later I am still getting bowel inflammation, constipation, inguinal hernia, and discomfort soreness and even pains in the pelvic areas. I need to take co codamol to occasionally. But this causes more constipation! I am up five times a night to pass urine.

This lot is just for starters! 

  • Hi Alex and welcome

    Sorry to hear that you are still getting side effects 4 years down the line.

    I presume the the cancer was contained in the prostate, is Radiotherapy the only treatment that you have had?

    Haven't heard of RT causing a hernia before, what does the specialist say about your problems.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Hernia caused by constipation. Straining on the toilet. Tissue changes in bowel, caused by the radiotherapy. Thank God my P S A results have been okay. Last one 1.1 not bad after four years.

    Bladder problems, frequency etc also from RT. 

    Soreness in whole pelvic region, sometimes real pain. All down to RT., but it saved my life!

    NOT Complaining... Thank you. N. H. S.!!! 

  • Constipation, I presume u have tried altering diet, excercise def helps as well

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    I have become an expert on the bum! Four years of research. Exercise, several diets, acupuncture,etcetera, now on lactose ,producing lots of gas!

    I could go on...but nowadays I prefer just get on and enjoy being alive!

  • Hi Alex, I had major surgery and finished radiotherapy 28 rounds this July. I get awful tingling and tender areas in pelvis. I also get very stiff after sitting. My skin also feels hot. I get very depressed sometimes. I think the hardest thing is the mind. It helps me a lot knowing others know what I'm going through. Kind regards Gillian x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to gillybobs

    Hi Gillian. You are right to say that the mind is the hardest thing to change. I got help from Dr. Helena Miranda in her book rethinking pain "  You can improve your life and she shows how!

    I know what it's like!!

    God bless. Alex

  • FormerMember

    Hello and good health for the new year.I was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in April.Started on bucutamide and hormone injections. August I was started on chemo but had reactions on my second cycle  Cancer was in the the prostate seminal vessels and in a lympth node .PSA was 159 came down to hoverin at  3 .Refered for radio therepy across the pelvis prostate seminal vessels and the lympth nodes.Close to completing 37 treatments  8  left.I have been not to bad with effects dyrreha and tiredness and a bit of pain recently in the pelvis.The Royal Marsden is where I am receiving radio therepy.I guess I may get  more side effects after the treatment.I  do pass urine frequently at night but I think this is due to anxiety bowels are loose

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi! I identify with what you said. Had 37 radios at Barts in 2015. Psa originally 14, went down to 0.01, now 1.1.  Had most of the signs and symptoms described in MacMillan book " Managing the late effects of Radiotherapy on the male pelvis " Well worth getting!

    Still have bowel problems, and developed diverticulitis. Also nocturia 5 times a night. Have not slept more than two hours at a time for years. Another very good book is Dr. Helena Miranda 's Rethinking Pain " Most helpful. How to live well despite pain.

    exercise is so very important too!!!

    happy 2020. Be well!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello I also don't sleep for more than two hours at night.I suffer from anxiety which was a problem for me as a child.Digressing from the serious disease which we have  was able to function okay for years with GAD anxiety.Then my whole world has turned upside down started to feel disconnected.Better now I am well into radio therepy as I said reacted to chemo which was stopped continue with radio therepy down to 8 treatments  hormone  injections psa results 6 month time

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I would agree about the mind as I have discovered .Old habbits to break from very difficult for all of us.