PSA Gone down to 0.1 after 7 months

  • 9 replies
  • 109 subscribers

I had a PSA of 122 when I was diagnosed. I have been on hormone therapy and also completed 37 radiotherapy. My PSA is currently not recordable at below 0.1 after talking to my Oncologist.  I  know I  am not "out of the woods" yet, but wanted to share this with others who are just starting out on this journey. 

I felt very different to now when I was diagnosed back in February. The NHS has totally supported me with my recovery and I feel so much better. My treatment has been outstanding from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn and Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. 

So I say, keep positive, look after yourself and remember all the people who are close to you who are feeling for you. Good luck everybody. 

Wolf man 

  • Hi Wolf Man.

    Excellent news, long may it continue. Did the oncologist say how much longer you will be on HT?

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Seamus47


    Another 2yrs , so 8 more three monthly hormone injections. I have very few side effects since finishing my radiotherapy that is also a good sign. I will have another PSA check in 6 months time also I am scheduled for a bone density check, no issues currently but oncologist wants me have it.

    If you asked me what was the biggest factor in motivating me and keeping me focused during treatment, apart from my family I would say giving up alcohol.  I understand we can all drink responsibly at this point, however for me it gave me total focus and it has not been a distraction. I have been very positive all the way through and regimented in getting to this point.

    I am very gregarious and have carried on as normal where possible. I decided to treat it with the upmost respect and that was to give me the best chance of recovery.  The more you share with others the easier it gets. How do you eat an elephant ? Answer..  small bites. That's what works for me ! 


  • You sound very like me. I gave up alcohol and caffeine on the advice of the GP practice nurse when I had my first Prostap injection and I really don't miss it at all. All my friends know the reason and I never get pressed to have a drink at the many social events I attend. I walk two or three miles every day with the dog and take a lot of other more energetic exercise too. I actually feel much better now than I did for a few years before I started treatment.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Excellent response Wolfman. Long may that continue.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4

    Hi gents,

    good to hear positive news. My husband was diagnosed a year ago and had been on  HT ever since and also had high density brachytherapy followed by 15 sessions external RT. His PSA had dropped from 8 which was the highest level reached ( which goes to show you don`t have to have a sky high reading to have PC) and before he started any RT it had dropped to 0.061. We were delighted. He will continue HT for approx. a further 2 yrs. Side effects from HT have subsided quite a bit very few hot flushes but of course sexual problems and occasional low moods. He has come through the RT very well with very little disruption to his life. We are continuing our normal life and he takes the dog for a long walk every day.

    Onwards and upwards to all who may read this post.


  • Hi Carol. That's wonderful, I hope the PSA stays down that low. The lowest reading I get is <0.1 as that seems to be the limit for my NHS trust.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • FormerMember

    Hi Wolf man,

    That sounds great.

    I have an issue with the PSA taken at my GP’s only records to one decimal place and gives no indication in the short term of any movements.

    I now have it taken at the hospital where I see my consultant and it shows the result to three decimal places. For example, my result PSA 3 months ago was 0.006.....last week it was 0.004 which I found more re-assuring than the <0.1 which I had earlier that week from the GP.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Toe Rag

    I was at 177 for my first PSA so I feel its going in the right direction. Good luck going forward.

    Wolf man