Advice re Treatment

  • 6 replies
  • 111 subscribers

I posted recently that my husband's bone scans were clear. 

We were told at our appointment when we got Prostate Cancer confirmed that as long as the bone scans were clear, surgery or radiotherapy with hormone would be options. We asked for time to discuss these options and when we were told the scan was clear, my husband rang his clinical nurse and indicated that he was happy to go down the surgery road (their preferred treatment route) and could they set the referral up for the regional hospital. He was told that he was up for another discussion at Monday's (yesterday) MDT meeting and he would tell them his preference.

Hubby got a phone call to say, that they were no longer recommending surgery as they weren't certain that they could get all the cancer, so we're recommending radiotherapy and hormone therapy.

We are now totally confused as they have stressed there is no spread to the bones and both tumours are contained.

Husband never asked for any explanation to why things had changed and has anything changed. We did ring back, but got the clinical nurses answerphone and said we were totally confused and needed some clearer information, so could we have an urgent meeting. So far, no reply.

Has anyone had a similar experience as we really don't see what could have changed in two weeks when the only test he has had, has come back clear, or did they misinform us two weeks ago.

Just lost and floundering at the moment and don't know where else we can turn to.


  • I had radical prostatectomy in May, post surgery my psa level was still elevated, They stated that it could be in the prostrate bed, but a further spam pet scan unfortunately showed it in my ribs.

    If they had spotted in the ribs then surgery would not have been an option, once it breaks the prostrate, and is locally advanced I.e in the prostrate bed then radiotherapy is the recommended treatment. Once it’s spread further then radiotherapy is again not an option.

    Short of it you weren’t misinformed, they could be concerned that it has breached the capsule edge even after surgery you would still need radiotherapy so surgery would be pointless.

    I know how difficult this journey is, it can be lonely so talk to your team, I was given specialist nurse who I would ring and ask questions, they are happy to explain reasoning, I made notes on my phone to refer to to ensure all questions are answered.

    Best of luck for this journey that none of us want to be on.

  • Young man, if only if it was that easy to talk to someone. When hubby rings the specialist nurse it can be anywhere up to three days to get a reply. Unfortunately communication isn't our local hospitals strong point. 

    For the first time we are at odds with each other, but we have just had some good news, the regional hospital has just rung and the surgeon wants to see us first thing Thursday and if we decide surgery is the best option, they will send him for a pre op there and then.

    So no explanation why the local MDT team have changed their minds, but we are happier exploring all possibilities and then making an informed choice 

    Thank you for reply as yes, the journey can be a very lonely confused one.

    As a couple we are on this journey together. There is no I in team.
  • That’s good your seeing the surgeon on Thursday.

    i would use the opportunity to ask questions about the diagnosis.

    What was discussed at the MDT and what was the consensus regarding possible treatments? 

    Gleason score, is it fully contained, is there local or further spread?

    What are the percentage chances of the surgery succeeding in eradicating all the cancer?

    All the best,


  • BL

    The bone scan may be clear and the tumours may be contained but possibly right up against the capsule edge therefore RT would be better.

    As has already been said, u should ask the reason for not proceeding with surgery , is it because of the above?



  • I had the saem problem getting in touch with my specialist nurse so used the Prostate Cancer UK helpline where there are specialist prostate cancer nurses to answer your queries - they have been invaluable for my wife and I and I would now use any helpliens run by national groups - such as British Heart foundation and such like before using our local hospital which is just so busy you wouldn't believe.  Prostate cancer UK helpline is 0800 074 8383  - so a free telephone call too!  They are open Mon-Fri from 9am to 6pm and on Wednesdays 9am to 8pm.

    Giver them a ring.

    All the best,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Boatmans Lady


    My husband was diagnosed last November all scans showed no spread and only the right side of gland is affected. Surgery was not an option as we were told it was pressing on the capsule wall and during surgery it could not be guaranteed that stray cells may not  escape. He was offered hormone therapy for several months followed by high dose brachytherapy and 15 sessions of external radio therapy. He will continue on hormones for approx. another 2 yrs. 

    hope you get the best decision for you both; as we musn`t forget their are two people coping with this.

    All the best 

    From Carol