Gastro Reflux :(

  • 5 replies
  • 108 subscribers

Hello every one , it seems my GERD has gone through the roof since I  started the HT Decapeptyl , my next 4 { each one lasting 3 months }  have to be done by my GP  , the GP gets choice of 3 types of HT Injections  I believe ,  the Gastroenterologist has double the amount of the Omeprazole I take , but to tell you the truth I have been on that drug to long, the thing is as well I do not eat any fried or take away`s , the GERD is really bad and unfortunately the pain is like heart pain ,  so if I keep suffering I`ll go to A&E to have it checked because of my past history ,

  • Gaviscon is good for acid reflux/heartburn but I am sure that u know about that.

    Omeprazole is not good to take long term because of side effects etc.

    Try and eat many hours before going to sleep.


  • FormerMember

    hi I was put onto Lansoprazole when I had a similar problem to you. that seems to have worked for me. Hope this might help and best of luck

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    I had acid reflux for years and although medication helped a lot in the end I had my gallbladder removed as it was full of gallstones and two were stuck in my bile duct. I no longer suffer from reflux.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks John  and every one, I to have gallstones , in 2016  1 was stuck in the bile duct and I got Pancreatis and was in hospital for 5 weeks, my gall bladder should have been removed but other complications set in  and I had abesses on the liver while in hospital so they could not do it , I have another appointment to see the surgeons about removing the gall bladder, but I think  from the anethestis`s side it would be dangerous , I was going to cancel the appointment , but your  reply has made me think again.

    But the HT does make GERD worse for some people  and I have suffered with it for a long time.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I've been a lot better since having the gallbladder removed.  A bit up and down with the bowels department but that's only for a short period while your body adjusts. It didn't help me as I got shingles two days later. Hope all goes well for you. 
