AUS Update

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Hi All. Sorry for the long silence but time has gotten away from me lately what with the merry go round of hospital appointments for my wife and self. She is down to her last Herceptin injection and has just had her first hair trim since the end of chimo and radiotherapy so is slowly getting her life back on track. I had an AUS fitted 7 weeks ago which went live last week, so far so good and a great reduction in pad use - just one in 24 hours, what a change. The op was OK with one night in hospital but the swelling and bruising was worse than I expected but I was free of pain killers after 6 days and passed my first check up after two weeks as things were healing as planned. I was told I could start driving again after three weeks but just sitting in a car for longer than half an hour was enough let alone thinking of driving. I started to drive short distances in week five and am now OK for the longer trip of 50 miles round trip to take my wife for her hospital appointments. My experience of the AUS after a lot of thought so far is that I would do it all again if I needed to as my life is so much better having had to cope with pads for over a year. If your offered one go for it.