Questions about Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy side effects

  • 33 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hello.  Can anyone tell me about the side effects of Radiotherapy or Brachytherapy please?

I'm interested particularly in bowel and urinary side effects, including what the effects are, are they constant or do they come & go (if so how often & for how long), and do they reduce over time eg in severity or frequency or in how long they last?  Thanks.

Any other side-effects info will be gratefully received too!

I appreciate any help that anyone can give.



  • Hi Richard and welcome

    I had EB Radiotherapy two years ago and the main side effects were urinary and bowel which I think is fairly normal.

    They started about two weeks into treatment and lasted for about 6 weeks after treatment finished although they did get progressively better during the 6 weeks after 

    I wouldn't worry too much about those side effects as they would normally go away unless of course u have existing issues in that area.

    It was a stressful time but now I look back it wasn't that bad really.

    I don't have any problems now relating to the treatment, only thing is be prepared for dry orgasms as u won't produce semen any more, or very little.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Richard,

    My husband had brachytherapy 5 weeks ago and all went according to plan. The day afterwards the urgency to urinate started but he was sent home with medication and this helps with the flow. Two weeks after the brachy he had 15 sessions of external beam which he finished 1 week ago. We were told that side effects may start towards the end of treatment. the day after he finished he experienced some slight blood in  his stools but no pain. Some days he does not have any and so far has no diahorrea or constipation.The frequency of urination continues but only has to get up a couple of times in the night. He has felt slightly more tired than usual but is coping well with this and continues his daily activities quite well e.g taking the dog for a walk every morning, cooking our evening meal, transporting grandchildren around. Hoping the side effects don`t get any worse I feel we are doing well. He is also on hormone treatment and has been since last December and will continue for a further 2 years. PSA in July was almost undetectable. Follow is a telephone consultation in 6 weeks and then a clinic visit after 6 months with a PSA test just prior to that.

    Hope this helps Richard and all the best.

    From Carol

  • Thanks Steve, I'm grateful to you for sharing that.

    I do have IBS and urgency when urinating already so have these questions around how bad things could get and whether they'd improve over time afterwards.

    Thanks again - and all the best with your recovery!


  • Thanks Carol, I appreciate your help.  And I hope your husband continues to do so well.

    All the best


  • Hi again Steve. Sorry, I should have asked last time, would you mind saying what the side effects were? I'll understand of course if you don't want to.

    Thanks again


  • Yes sure,

    Very bad constipation which was difficult to sort out with meds. Ie laxatives.

    Poor urinary flow and constantly getting up at night.

    I am not that keen on taking too many meds so didn't take the one's prescribed for urinary issues.

    Don't forget it all cleared up after a few weeks.


  • By the way I presume that your cancer centre knows about the other issues, have they said anything about how the Radiotherapy might effect these issues?


  • Thanks Steve.

    I told the Radiotherapy people who didn't seem that bothered, but given he IBS I get already I've kind of ruled that treatment out for myself and think I'll be choosing between Brachytherapy or surgery.  From what I've read it seems that Brachytherapy affects gives more urinary problems but I'm seeing a Brachytherapist next week and will let him know about what ones I get now and see what he makes of it.  (Had to see Radiotherapist & Brachytherapist separately as I'm in Leics, where they do RT but I have to go to Lincoln for Brachytherapy).  Difficult choice!

    ....why did you go for RT rather than Brachytherapy or surgery?

    Cheers mate


  • Richard

    I didn't go for surgery because of the invasive 3 hr op.

    Also potential side effects including urinary problems.

    EB Radiotherapy seemed more simple than the Braccy. I have read that Braccy can cause more in the way of urinary issues.

    I know that you have a difficult decision because of your current issues but I would consider EB Radiotherapy hoping that any side effects would be short term.

    Perhaps someone will post who has been thru the Braccy


  • Richard

    When u see the specialist next week don't forget that there are two kinds of Braccy,. LDR (low dose rate) and HDR for high dose rate.not all centres do the HDR.
