Things to remember, when going through chemo therapy.

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  • 107 subscribers

Firstly and formostly, it's effects are different on people as we are all different to each other.  It will take a lot out of you, again it's effects are different on different individuals.  It will what's called Chemo Brain.  Look it up on this site, it will explain a lot to you.  What can our partners do to help?.  Well, they can only try and do there best, please remember that partners.  Try and keep  Positive Mental Attitude, so look to the bright side and make yourself a positive thought process, it's not easy when you don't feel like eating perhaps, or drinking enough fluids, you have to keep yourself hydrated, remember that, I know it's not easy, but the consequences, will make you feel even worse.  One thing for you to remember is, your partner can't feel what your going through, so talk to each other let them now you feel, if your not up to visitors, tell them.  If you can, try and have a warm shower, to help you relax.  One more final thing.  Please take it, one day at a time.  Wishing you all good luck.

  • FormerMember

    I just started June 16 2020 and have 5 more infusions every 3 weeks. I got thru the first infusion and really just noticed nauseous and dizziness and tired. I have been in Lupron-2012, casodex, enzalutamide, Xgeva and originally radiation in 2010. PSA was 2.8 with a Gleason 3/4= 7. Long road and still waiting for cure. I still have albiterone left after chemo. 

    Take life day by day and be grateful for the little things.  Don’t get caught up in what you can’t control.  Accept it and make the best of it.  When you stop worrying about what you can’t control, you have more time to change the things you can control.  And that changes everything in the long run.