Atrial Fibrillation as a result of chemotherapy

  • 2 replies
  • 108 subscribers

Hello All,

After visiting my sister and brother-in-law recently I have a question for anyone who has acquired Atrial Fibrillation from treatment with chemotherapy.

My brother-in-law had a long cong course of chemo and an operation to remove most of his gullet for oesophagal cancer nearly 3 years ago now.  He then acquired Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) as a result, we are told, of the chemo.  His Docs say there is nothing they can do about his AFib.  Is this because it is caused by the chemo and is this different from the AFib I have which can be treated with a cardioversion (CV) - my first CV lasted just short of a year and my second is still working - this is like a sticking plaster I know so considering an ablation after I recover from my knee replacement which should if not at first go then second or third stop the AF completely. 

Just wondering if anyone knows if the AFib caused by chemo is different from what I will call "normal" AFib?  I ask because the AFib is affecting him more than the cancer which he ahs recovered well from.

Thanks for your help
