After radiotherapy now dealing with zoldex

  • 7 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hi diagnosed last August 2018 went through all checks ct MRI gold bits put in prostate then 7 weeks radiotherapy all that went very  well no problems. Same time taking zoladex 10.8 hot sweats minor  legs aching more so walking up steps .6 weeks after radiotherapy hots a bit more often and lasting longer now shoulders grion legs & calfs a bit painful & feeling tired .but not all the time any tips what I can do to help myself p/s i do a lot of walking & gardening don't sit around to much i forgot to mention i  was diagnosed with prostate cancer & 1 noad affected which they couldn't treat to close to bowel       Male  73 thanks for any help 

  • Hi  and welcome to the prostate cancer group

    I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling tired and suffering with hot sweats and aching legs. I can't make any suggestions as how to combat this as I'm not a member of this group and haven't had these experiences. However, I noticed that after you'd been redirected to this group from New to the Community you haven't had any replies. 

    This could be because no one in this group has had these problems but more likely because your post hasn't been seen yet. By replying to you it will 'bump' it back to the top of the page where it will hopefully be seen by someone who might be able to help you. I'm also going to tag this group's Community Champion  into my reply as he may be able to help further.

    If you don't get any responses you could post your question in ask a nurse and one of the specialist cancer nurses will respond within 2 working days. Have you spoken to you CNS at your hospital as she may be able to suggest things that you can do to relieve these symptoms?

    I hope you get sorted soon


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember

    Hello Davie, welcome to the prostate group.

    sorry I didn't get back to you earlier, I confess I was making the best use outside I could of the clear spells between thunder showers.

    I have never had Zoladex myself so unfortunately can't tell you how I personally coped with the side effects. On reading however, I do note that most of the symptoms you're experiencing are side effects of Zoladex. 

    Presumably, you are only on this hormone therapy for a limited time, that is depending on your subsequent PSA levels.  If it's discontinued, these side effects will lessen.

    I believe really you can only deal with these symptoms as they arise.  I will find out more about this and get back to you later.

    It's great that you're keeping active,  I also hope you are eating a good diet and not suffering fatigue, as a result of the radiotherapy (RT).  If you are suffering fatigue, let me know and I can give you some information about dealing with this.

    I'm not 100% clear about what you say about the lymph node which you say is close to the bowel.  Was the RT not targeted at the node?   i.e. it will still have cancer cells in it despite the treatment?

    This whole process, being diagnosed with and treated for cancer is both stressful and life changing.  I hope you are getting the emotional support you need and are finding ways of dealing with the anxiety.

    Support is available if you need any help with this. Only say the word and I can give you more information.

    I hope you get responses from men on this site who have some personal experience of your situation.  It helps to know, you are not on your own.

  • Hi Davie b, I was on PROSTAP for over two years. The hot flushes come and go and are to be expected. If they become severe I think there are medications available.

    The hormone therapy loosens ligaments etc.and this causes some pain. I get sore hips especially if I overstretch. Fatigue is also very common. I still suffer fatigue and also have trouble sleeping. As Uroboros has said these are listed side effects.

    Keeping active as you are doing is important and pacing yourself with rest between activities helps with the fatigue too.

    Here is what Macmillan says about Zoladex

    All the best,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4

    Thanks to 

    I would imagine there's no harm in taking oiver thr counter painkillers fior tha aches and pains you get as a result of the Zoladex.

    If you need anything stronger you will need to see your GP.

    This is a booklet on coping with fatigue (tiredness).

  • Hi uroboros  thank you for your reply it was very helpful regarding the node they were going to treat the prostate & node but the unable to treat the pelvic node due to excess small bowel toxicity so have to have zoldex  until 2021  davie b

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Davie b

    A shame they couldn't target the lymph node, but the zoldex should help keep under control.

  • Hi uroboros thanks I'm sure it will hope so we have a lot to do  davie b
