Catheter removal

  • 4 replies
  • 108 subscribers

Hi all

I have never posted on here before but have often visited the forum to read other people's stories, I have found them a source of inspiration and comfort, there are some legends on this forum who always come through with words of wisdom for people who are down in the dumps.

My own story is I'm 56, I got diagnosed a little over a year ago with localised prostate cancer, it was an absolute car crash moment, one I will never forget, I was given my options by the consultant, they were simply radiation or removal, it was a no brainer for me as I have watched a colleague go through the whole radiation thing and it wasn't for me, my op was performed in the Churchill hospital in Oxford last week, it was a "robotic" removal so 10 days on I actually feel ok.

My issue is, my follow appointments are at my local hospital 40 miles away, my catheter was removed today and I've (touch wood) been dry all day, when I go to the loo, obviously I feel an urgency to go, the only way to describe it is the first 75% is normal wee and the the last 25% is battery acid, the pain is excruciating! Any body else had this or is there any one out there who can shed some light on it for me! 

Thanks in advance.... John

  • Hi John, glad to hear your surgery went well and you have the catheter removed.

    Your body has been through major surgery which affects all sorts of nerves but I would see your GP quickly to see if you possibly have a urine infection.

    I must admit to feeling tender at the tip of my penis when passing urine for a bit after the catheter came out. I checked in with GP to rule out infection, there wasn’t, and it settled down. 

    All the best,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4

    Thank you for the reply, and the sound advice, I already have my appointment booked for Monday! 



  • FormerMember

    Hi John!  I am very similar to yourself in that I chose the robotic Op.  I had to wear the catheter for two weeks and could walk around the park. 

    Since the removal of the catheter I have had to wear pads,  incontinent.  Pee with pain and now what appears to be nerve damage. 

    I manage to control about 50% of my pee but now they have put the catheter back in I will go backwards!! 

    The peeing with pain is apparently normal. 

    Best of luck to more pain free days


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi P

    Yeah I totally hear you, I also get tired very easily but I'm putting that down to a disturbed sleep pattern, my surgeon advised me that he spared the nerves on the right hand side, the left hand side were totally removed due to the location of the cancer. My manhood is a very sorry sight at the moment but it's only 2 weeks since my op so don't expect him to be jumping though hoops any time soon, as far as the pads go I've ditched mine as I was pretty much nwater tight from day one, I do occasionally end up with a spot of shame, but I'm prepared to live with the odd wierd look from passers by if it means not having to wearing them! 

    My water works pain was put down to a UTI so its antibiotics for the next week! Like you I find the whole journey very frustrating but hopefully you wont let it get you down to much! Good luck!
