68-Gallium PSMA PET/CT Scan

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  • 109 subscribers


I am off to Offenbach shortly for a Nanoknife procedure for Gleeson 8+ carcinoma. Even though I underwent a transperineal biopsy in Ireland guided by an MRI scan from Offenbach I was told by Offenbach that the 30 samples was insufficient. I had 2 suspicious areas only one of which tested positive for cancer. As a result I have booked a scan with the the Nuclear Medecin clinic. (link below). Price starts at  Euro 2,200 and increases depending on weight/height. Under German law I can request Nanoknife based on the MRI (rectal coil) that Offenbach perform prior to the procedure, but given the possibility that the biopsy missed cancer cells in the prostrate,  and the possible existence of prostrate cancer cells in other parts, eg lymph nodes I believe this is the right diagnostic. It has been suggested ( don't know if this is correct) that the scan not only identifies prostrate cancer cells but can assist in verifying the Gleeson score. Has anyone any information that they can share regarding this claim.

When looking for a suitable clinic/hospital I tried Hollis Street and Marsden but was informed I needed a referral letter from a UK based Urologist, in addition the scan is more costly at 2,700 Sterling. With the Hamburg clinic I rang them direct and was able to book an appointment same day. The only downside is that I have to pay cash.

I will let everyone know how it goes.


  • Hi,Had Nanoknife at Offenbach last November.Also had Gleason 8,Locally Advanced, stage 3A.Also had to have Gallium68 PSMA PET CT scan which I believe is probably current best scan for identifying minutest cancer cells.Did enquire about getting scan in London, but were booked up 2 months in advance- cost would have been about  £2500.Offenbach booked one for me in Weissbaden,about 40min train journey from Offenbach- cost €2400. I also had  MRI + endorectal coil at Offenbach. In April last year, prior to treatment in  November.

        At  April visit, I was put on Hormone treatment- Bicalutamide-,as a  Monotherapy,for 3 months, which I  had here on NHS,PSA went down from 21 to 2.8.

    On treatment day, spent evening in clinic,20 min from Offenbach centre,with catheter in place,and next day had MRI   check,back at centre, +discharge  information etc.

    Did have some organisation problems  with staff , when I was there,causing delays,but I think they were reorganizing ,+ getting  extra staff..Treatment seems to have gone well,and  am now  being monitored by NHS,with 3 monthly PSA checks.No side effects, apart  from some  slight ED,which is solved with the Tadalafil tablet  ,prescribed  by sexual health  counsellor at Offenbach.

         Good  luck with your journey. Any other info,- you're welcome to get in touch again, or can ring 07725028998.


  • Thanks Foxy1 ! If I have any questions I will call. Glad to hear things are going well !

    All the best Steve