Feelings and healings after Catheter removal

  • 11 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hi! I had my Catheter removed 10days ago after under going am Op for removal of my prostate.  While I had the catheter in I could walk short distances around the park at a good pace with just some discomfort. 

Now since my catheter has been removed I have excruciating pain in the area where my prostate was.  I can hardly walk when in pain,  incontinence and constipation from the pain killers.  After managing to do No2 it seems to I flame the pain in my prostate area. 

I know I have to be patient for the incontinence to lesson.  But I feel worse after catheter removal.  Is this normal? 

  • Hi 

    I'm sorry to hear how you're struggling at the moment. I can't help with your question but I noticed that your post had gone unanswered. By replying to you it will 'bump' your post back to the top of the page where it may be seen by someone who can help.

    While you're waiting for replies you could post your question in ask a nurse and one of the specialist cancer nurses will aim to reply within 2 working days.

    When you have a minute, it would be really useful if could pop something about your journey so far into your profile as it helps others when answering or looking for someone with a similar diagnosis. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Edit Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • You shouldn’t be in that kind of pain. I think you should telephone your specialist nurse or see your GP as soon as possible.

    Let us know how you get on.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4

    Hi Ido4!  I spoke to the GP who also agreed I shouldn't be in that much pain.  I now have an appointment at the hospital at the end of the week so let's see what they say about my Op etc. 



  • Thanks P, hope you get things resolved very soon.


  • Hope you get this sorted soon.

    All the best


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4

    Hi!  After much delay I ended up seeing a consultant.  Apparently,  my surgeon was not available. 

    The the discussion was over in 10mins and he put my pain cincerns down to part of the healing process.  He confirmed who actually did my surgery according to their records. 

    He suggested I take Tolterodine to help with urine pain but I already had some from my previous emergency hospital visit. 

    He gave me some good news about the analysis they did on my removed prostate etc. This came back negative :-). 

    I was examined briefly and then rushed out of the consultancy.

    It seems they don't want to hear of probs or new one's as it might not be good for their stats. 

    My pain, ED and incontinence issues continue but the pain is not as extreme but walking still difficult.  I am generally a fit person but now walking is difficult and I am out of breath easily. It's early days and normal says the consultant. 

    I will try to keep the positive vibe going and grateful for the good news. I am thinking of going the external (sheath)  catheter route.  I really hate the pads! 

    I will try to keep the positive vibe going and grateful for the good news. 


  • Great news on the prostrate.  I had my op 7 weeks ago, I've done pelvic floor exercises regularly and am okay with incontinence.  I took regular laxido for constipation which helped greatly.  I can walk a bit but increased leakage.

    Whilst ED initially was a concern whilst not working my desire has dropped off after surgery, apparently prostrate gives off messages to increase testosterone?? I've experienced penile discomfort due to lack of nightly erections but viagra has helped both for discomfort and incontinence 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to YoungMan

    Hi!  I have tried the pelvic exercises which seems to either make me piss myself or provoke more pain in the prostate area. 

    I am still very much incontinent and it comes out frequently but in dribs and drabs which is annoying.  On top of this I  on my 2nd round of antibiotics which don't seem to work.  I have extreme pain on the tip if my penis which also leafs to serious pain in my butt cheeks etc to the point where I can't walk. 

    It is all so frustrating and I am pissed off. ED is alive and well unfortunately.  They saw they spared one nerve but little or no sign of it after 5 weeks. 

    When did you start to take viagra and did you have any nerve sparing?  How does the viagra help with incontinence?  I will try almost anything to get rid of this pain.  I can't walk more than 10mins if I am lucky. 

    I am glad it all worked out for you.  I am on the other scale of when it all goes wrong.  Luck of the draw I guess. 


  • Indeed luck of the draw,  I had nerve sparing, both spared. Discomfort in penus lower in shaft. Although mine had broken capsule so need radiotherapy which will also affect incontinence, ED and potentially other issues!!!

    At times too much pelvic floor caused issues, i just cut back on how long I held and frequency which helped. I find that there are certain places where I can successfully do pelvic floor and other places i can't.  I have a favourite chair where i can feel the floor better than sat on sofa or bed.

    I first took viagra about week 6, the penus did enlarge but couldn't be called an erection,  this did help with discomfort and incontinence. Although viagra  also needs arousal and due to hormones and online porn is not my cup of tea  arousal was missing.  Being just 50  I'm keen to resolve this issue although I guess patience and time are required. We've just had surgery in a delicate area.

    I return to work tomorrow and unsure how I'll manage. I guess I'll discover tomorrow 

  • I don't know how vagra helped with incontinence  but it appeared to. My old fellow seemed quited tight and shrunken prior to viagra so I guess by allowing more blood flow in the area must have helped