Side effects of surgical removal of prostrate

  • 17 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Just wondering if anybody has experienced the following

My friend had his prostrate removed a few months ago and has made good recovery.

However he had a number of fits in the night recently and  has been sedated and rushed to hospital.

No history of this sort of thing and a very fit man..

MRI done and nothing found, so I guess a clot from the op can be ruled out?



  • Sorry to hear that Biltong. What type of seizure are we talking about?

    Did they run tests on his blood and an EEG?


  • Hi Ido4.

    Did all kinds of tests and doing EEG on Monday. They plan to reduce the sedation in stages to see if the seizures have abated. Nodoubt the EEG will show them what happened, but  why this happened so soon after the operation is the concern.

  • I hope they get to the bottom of it and his seizures abate or disappear.

    I had a full tonic clonic (formerly called a grand mal) in October 2013 having had knee surgery six months earlier. I don’t think they are linked though.

    An MRI showed no abnormalities in my brain so it was labelled idiopathic (no known cause)

    A neurologist told me I could have another but sometimes people have one epileptic fit and then no more.

    I didn’t get an EEG but at hospital my phosphates were found to be low.

    I haven’t had another seizure since.

    I hope he gets well soon.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Biltong!  I have recently had my prostate removed!  I am sorry to hear about your friends latest hospital visit.  But very happy that apparel from that he has made some form of recovery. 

    I am going through a torrid time with major incotenance and problems doing No2.  It's been a mini hell.  I was wondering how long to takes to get back  control of your functions.  I have had the catheter removed and feel worse!  I have had some serious spasms and pain when I sit down in the area of my prostate removal. 

    I now wear at least 3-4 pads day which is embarrassing and painful in certain areas. How long will this suffering last? 

  • Hi Biltong, how is your friend, did the EEG get done on Monday?

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Ido4 4.

    Have not had he result of the eeg yet. At the moment they are slowly bringing him out of sedation in the hope that the fits have stopped.

    He only had the operation about 2 months ago and has been walking in the Lake District!! Crazy after a 4 hour operation. Just asking for trouble. 


  • Walking in the Lake District so soon?! I couldn’t have done it at that stage after the operation. Hope he’s ok.


  • Hi Ido4.

    Latest update is that they did not do the  eeg because of the deep level of sedation they put him in. They say sedation but it sounds more like an induce coma.

    He is slowly being taken out of this. At the moment he has eye reaction when a light is shone into his eyes, and he smiles at the sound of voices. However they will not know if his brain has suffered damage until they take him out o the sedation/coma completely.



  • Hi Biltong, thanks for updating. What a worrying time for everyone. I hope there isn’t any lasting damage.


  • Hi Ido4.

    My friend has now been discharged home. He regained consciousness, can eat and talk as normal, so they sent him home

    Hospital has no idea what caused the violent seizures and the eeg did not reveal anything.

    Its good that he has been discharged with no obvious side effects, but..... one would like to know the cause. The hospital cannot

    say that he will not have further seizures in future as they do not know what the cause was.

