Biopsy proceedings

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  • 110 subscribers

To put on the record my experiences of having a Biopsy for Prostate.

Through my Perinium due to the area that they wanted to examine your  Prostate  . Perinium is the area between your testicles and bottom hole.Had an anaesthetic first and an antibiotic. Not too uncomfortable by the male doctor while  I conversed with a young Nurse  who held my head during proceedings who took my mind off what was being done.   Had to hold my crown jewels out of the way during proceedings. After effects a little  bit sore which soon passed. Was given a cup of tea and biscuits while waiting for my first Pee before being discharged. Walked out with no problem.

  • Hi oldtimer.

    Thanks for that. I'm glad you came through it with no problems.

    It might be very helpful to new members here who don't know what to expect.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)