When am I likely to start radiotherapy

  • 3 replies
  • 109 subscribers


I am going to the GP for my third implant this week. I have been on monthly I hormone injections however I am going onto three monthly. Based on other people's experience, when am I likely to start my radiotherapy? I do have my first hospital assessment next week, so I hope to find out then, however it would be good to hear from others. Is there a minimum amount of hormone treatment before starting on radiotherapy? It's starting to take up more of my thoughts as it gets closer. 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Wolfie,

    This is difficult to answer as different hospitals have different treatment timings.  I had a month of bicalutamide to prevent tumour flare then my first 3 monthly injection in October 2015.  I started radiotherapy (RT) on the 6th December 2015.  The idea is to shrink the tumour as much as possible by starving it of testosterone before zapping it with RT.  So I suppose it all varies depending on the Gleason score (cancer aggressiveness) and the spread i.e. is it contained within the prostate capsule or is it starting to spread to other tissue?

    I was Gleason 9 and PSA 38 so it had spread to the seminal vesicles so these timings for me may not be the same for you.  Hope it gives you an idea though.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for the info, very helpful. 

  • Hi,

    Normally you are on HT for a minimum of 6 months maybe longer.