Advanced PC

  • 2 replies
  • 110 subscribers

My uncle has been living with prostate cancer for 5 years, his PSA has been stable all this time at <11. His Urologist took a watch & wait aproach. To cut a long story short, he now has metasses in both of his lungs & his pelvis, spine & ribs. He has began hormone therapy. I would like to hear from anyone that is in or has been in a similar situation. 

Thanks in advance KA 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kittyanne, sorry to hear about your uncle. I was diagnosed with advanced prostrate cancer three years ago, the Dr,s had found it only after it had spread into my spine, ribs shoulder both hips. They failed to find it earlier which did make me extremely fed up but it would not of made any difference if they had found it earlier. I had chemo and radiotherapy which did ok, I am now on a trial drug called Aberetterone which is doing a good job, my PSA has dropped from 196 down to 1.5 I have a injection every three months called Prostrap, plus steroids every day. Every thing seems to be working they have said the cancer can never be cured but they will control it as best they can, when all options fail I will recieve just Pallative Care. As I said we do have angry days but then you look around the oncology department and it,s very humbling to see people of all ages suffering just as bad as you are. I try an stay positive I potter around my garden doing little bits, I,m taking fairly strong pain relief, I,m using Fentanyl Patches plus oral morphine which I try hard not to use. I hope things get easier for your uncle and you, and if I can help do not hesitate to ask any questions you like I,m not ashamed of having cancer. Stay strong  best wishes Eddie.

  • Hi Kittyanne

    Your at a good place for information and just to generally chat, it's not an easy thing seeing someone you care for with this terrible desease, but we just have to get on with things best we can.

    I myself have simuler mets to your Uncle except for the lung, if he is like me and suffers back pain, I am taking a drug called Prebalin which helps with nerve pain plus I take a few pain killers as well.

    There are drugs out there that will keep him going as mentioned Aberaterone attacks the cancer and keeps the psa down, just to name one.

    Three years I've had mine when diagnosed I had very high scores, but eating and drinking the right foods helped a lot, and although I am on palliative care, I have plenty of will power to keep me positive.

    Take care
