headache with prostap3

  • 5 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Since starting with Prostap 3 a week or so have slowly developed a muzzy headache . In side effects Is listed as common. Should I treat this as a normal headache and treat it with an Nsaid like Paracetamol starting with minimum dose and see how it goes. A small problem compared to many but would not like to drive with it as it may distract my attention.

  • Not good timing Old-timer, if u look at previous thread you'll see  we have all had a bit of a headache regards Prostap 3 recently.

    Joking aside I am sorry that I can't help u re side effects of Prostap but I'm sure that someone will be along soon who can advise.

    Best wishes


  • Hi oldtimer,

    Headaches are listed in the occasional side effects list for PROSTAP.

    If it continues it might be worth checking in with your oncologist.


    I hope you don’t find my response patronising as has been commented by someone recently......

    Just trying to help a fellow PC sufferer.

    All the best,


  • Hi Oldtimer

    I ve been on prostap for nearly three years, yes you do get headaches, in my case they last for about 30 seconds if yours are prolonged I would just ask the doctor, it's mainly getting used to the side effects the worst being the hot flushes.


  • FormerMember

    I have continual back pain,Diabetes type 2, Aortic aneurysm and high blood pressure. The problem is one cannot  go by experience as Prostap 3 is entirely new to me and you don't know what it is doing to your body. My problem is some side effects cancel each other out or affect each other.

    Sometimes feel like the  Centipede

    ;A Centipede was happy quite;until a toad in fun; said pray which leg follows which ;  which lead his mind to such a pitch, he lay distracted in a ditch; Considering how to run.