After prostate removal

  • 4 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi I was wondering if anyone is having or had same problem as my husband it’s 5 weeks since his op when he sits down his bottom really hurts and when his wee is comming out it really hurts him it’s like a sharp pain we have took a wee sample the docs today and I’ve just rang for results they said he has high ceratinin in it but no infection and do another sample in 2 weeks but I’ve requested the doctor give us a call as surely it’s not right being in pain wen wee is comming out any body have the same as this thanks fran 

  • Hi Fran

    I had RT not surgery so I can't give u first hand experience

    Having read loads of posts on here regards side effects after surgery I would say that these sorts of problems are fairly normal after surgery, after all it's quite a major op and the bladder has taken quite a pummelling

    It's good that there is no infection, not sure why the creatinine is high, that's from the kidneys.

    Try and get him to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and flush out any toxins



  • The nerves are stretched and jangled after surgery.

    i had pain when I was passing urine and sore legs. A neurologist told me it was nerve issues which would settle down over time me. He prescribed Gabapentin as paracetamol doesn’t work with nerve pain. Things settled down over time.

    But I would check in with his specialist nurse or urologist to get their view.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4

    Thank you for your reply the doctor has gave him antibiotics said would rather over medicate him than under think it’s just hard for him at mo as he leaks a lot so doesn’t really go out at the moment and before op he was always out doing jobs but it’s early days it’s only been 5 weeks even tho it seems like a lifetime ago just hoping when he gets appointment for consultant it has all gone 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Just got results the cancer had just started to brake out of prostate but consultant thinks he’s got it all so has decide against doing radium treatment but with the trouble with his wee hurting and a pain wen sitting he is wanting to see him again in 4 weeks to make sure it’s settled down has anybody else had these problems but can’t really complain as at least the cancer has gone one less mountain to climb so we should be grateful really