my prostate cancer

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  • 106 subscribers

im  70 been healthy most my life,, had 2 psa test verry high,,had mri showing dark area 50%

biopsy 3 dasy time docter high risk of cancer...

like to here from any one had prostate caner in early stages  and how it affect ther life



  • Hi,  Going to see the surgeon tomorrow to get results of the MRI.  Got everything crossed that it is going to be a partial knee and hoping that he can give me an idea on the date as keeping everything on hold at the moment.  Got a wedding coming up in August and other dates in May June and July to consider but having to tell everyone we can't commit or book hotels - just watching the prices go up the closer we get to the dates - still my knee is more important.

  • Thanks John.

    Seeing the surgeon tomorrow.  Been away for a week cat sitting and had a funeral to go to and now looking after my wife's cousin's little dog - it is such hard work as she feels she has been abandoned by her Dad!  She is so sweet though but she has to be with us all the time - though after the first two nights she settled to sleeping in the family room quite well.  We just make a great fuss of her and spoil her with special food and take her for lots of walks so quite tiring.  She goes berserk when one of us leaves the room bless her I think she thinks we are abandoning her too and every morning she has to look in all the rooms - think she is looking for her Dad.  Only once she has tried to climb the stairs and usually stays at the bottom looking up at us.  So, we are not leaving her at home in the garden tomorrow with the utility room door open so that she can come in and out she is good in the car and my wife, Sian will stay out in the hospital car park with her.  Wouldn't like to leave her in the car as not sure if her Dad ever has and anyway we are not her Dad so it could be stressful for her.  At the moment she is running around the garden like a mad dog so must take her for a walk before she starts next doors dog off barking and gets her into trouble.  LOL. 

    When I had my hip replacement I was given just an epidural and sedation no general anaesthetic and it worked well but the epidural meant I couldn't pee so had a catheter fitted although that was uncomfortable it was great to be able to just pee when I wanted without having to get up!  So I did have a few good nights sleep.  I know a lot of people who say in the first couple of months after the knee op they wondered why they had had it as the pain was so bad.  I take strong painkillers anyway because of back and neck problems but because of my AFib can't take NSAID's any longer - which were great.  So I have cut back on my pain killers so that hopefully what ever they give me works better as if you are already on lots of painkillers they tend not to work so well when you need extra pain relief iike after an operation and wouldn't want to suddenly need extra pain relief in the middle of the night when the epidural wears off and no one there to authorise it or whoever is there doe not know my history with pain killers.  Got a funny about that.  My eldest son did his knee in skiing many years ago, on the flight home we managed to get him an aisle seat on the correct side so that he could keep his leg straight and the stewardess bumped into his foot with the trolley - he says the only tiem he has seen stars!  Drove him into Oxford - in those days had to go through the city centre to the old John Radcliffe Hospital or it could have been the Churchill - not sure now either way you went through the centre and got stopped by the police explained and they then gave me an escort with flashing lights!  Anyway his cruciate ligament had gone and he had to have an operation and had new bits fitted etc anyway he was in excruciating pain.  Physio tried to give him physio and the nurses all told him he was being a wimp that women in childbirth didn't make so much fuss and then when the head surgeon came round (it was one of his registrars had done the operation) they found they had put the kneecap on back to front - and possibly upside down as well for all we know and that was why he couldn't bend his knee and was in such pain so had to have another operation!  WOW!  Well, we find it funny now - I think that is why we are given a sense of humour don't you so that we can laugh at some of the awful things that have happened to us?  Anyway, he has just been told the same as me that he would need a new knee or partial knee but to wait much longer as at 55 he should wait.  He is still slim, otherwise healthy and very fit being a yoga teacher so although just recently he did stop a lot of his tennis due to knee pain he is trying to get back into it and strengthen his legs again.  Must tell him to swim as not sure that he does any more and am sure that will help him.  Anyway sorry for long boring post.  Got to sneak out to the rubbish dump with loads of garden waste while Sian sneaks out of the other door with little Miss Sweep.  Won't be long before she notices there is only one of us with her but hopefully she will be enjoying her walk by then.

    Take care of yourself and hope nothing "gets you soon"  Always more likely to be in a car accident so I am told though as you get older there are lots of things out to "get you"  Best thing is we have had a good long life.  My wife's nieces little by died at 3 years 9 months - yes he was born with a genetic problem but until he was 6 months was quite normal and no reason to think there were any problems.  So awful for all the family.  Her Mum collapsed and died at just 34 so we are lucky aren't we?  On that cheerful note speak later! 
