Advanced prostrate canser.

  • 22 replies
  • 110 subscribers


new to this forum.

have been diagnosed with Advanced prostrate cancer ,no symptoms.

diagnosed end of May 2018  went toA@E with chest pains and trouble breathing,inside six hours I had ecg,bloods,MRI scan and was admitted immediately.spread to bones,rib fractures,wedge compression fracture ,deposits through out spine encroaching on Canal.

started on 1.25 steroids,Casodex 150 and firmigon five days later.

had a follow up with the consultant August 16th had psa bloods ,diagnosed 122 now 1.9

consultant has stopped steroids and casadex just have monthly injections of firmigon and adcal D3.

doesnt want to see me now for six months when further psa bloods will be done.

bit of a is what it is.

  • Hi Aka, welcome to the community but really sorry to read your diagnosis.

    What a shock for you going into hospital and ending up with this result. The adcal D3 will help with your bones.

    Did they do a biopsy to have a look at the cancer cells?

    Has your consultant not talked about early chemotherapy using docetaxel? Where do you live as this may affect your treatment pathway?

    Could you add a few details about yourself either in your profile or as an answer to this post? e.g. age, general health.

    There are lots of people on this forum who will help you.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4


    73 year old male ,live in Nuneaton general health is good.

    Neuro  surgeons viewed my scan first ,a weeks bed rest no further action just now.

    no biopsy,no chemo no radiology,on diagnosis registrar did mention running radiology along side casadex and firmigon.

    have had little or no pain from start.

    had psa on diagnosis of 122 ,my last psa August 16th 1.9

    consultant follow up appointment in six months with psa test.

    not sure if it’s being monitored ,or otherwise 

  • Thanks for the information. The Casodex is normally only used at the beginning to avoid tumour flare with the Firmagon. After that the Firmagon should reduce your testosterone to castrate levels and starve the cancer of it's fuel. The fact that your PSA has dropped so dramatically shows a great response to this.

    See this link for more information on your situation and options.

    More information here too.

    If you have a specialist cancer nurse allocated to you I would ask about the NICE pathways for advanced prostate cancer.

    It may be also worth discussing this with the specialist nurses at Prostate Cancer UK on 0800 074 8383, they are fantastic and really helpful.

    Best wshes,



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4

    Hi Ian .

    thank you for that ,I suppose being diagnosed at 73 is not such a bad thing when considering there are many in a worse position than me ,I have to be thankful that I have been diagnosed at the age I am

    before diagnosis I had booked a carabean cruise with my wife and family,my consultant said there is no reason why I shouldn’t go.

    almost impossible to get insurance.



  • Hi Ian

    Sorry about your condition, it really is a mind bender when you get this news not just to you but all around you, we have simuler diagnosis except I jumped onto a trial Stampede had hormone to start brought my psa down from 893 to zero then had chemo docetaxel then radiotherapy now just hormone injections every three months been like that for over two years now.

    When I was diagnosed all I had was a painful shoulder felt great otherwise, it's not till your told all the facts that, what can happen later hits you, but with treatments advancing every day I always look for that one thing that will make a difference, I am 66 which to me is no age and getting to your age might be a climb but you never know.

    Did the doctors explain all to you, very surprised a treatment was not offered if not now in the near future. 

    Hope you enjoy your holiday I think you have to declare your condition on insurance beware it can rocket.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to joeven

    Hi joe,

    started on 1.25 steroids,150 casodex 150 mg ,five days later started firmagon injections monthly .

    three months on ,consultant said I could stop casadex and steroids but wants to continue with firmigon,latest PSA ? At diagnosis was 122 now 1.5 ,have never severe pain just twinges.

    doesnt want to see me for six months will have PSA bloods done just before.

    incedently , you have replied to Ian ,my names Dave.

    have got almost boots insurance only problem the holiday balance is due November.

    boots underwriter will discuss policy with me two months before I fly to Barbados.which will be December 7th.

    cost quoted 395 quid for me and the wife.recon that’s good considering the thousands some insurance thieves are asking.

    regards Dave.

  • Hi Dave

    Sorry for the name mix up, yep your right as regards insurance, although you have it now there are a few on here who can point you in the right direction as regards cheaper insurance.

    surprized still that although you ve had no offer of chemo etc but they know what there doing, hope the pains ease of you flying it's a long flight, the only thing that stops me going abroad, is it seems every time a take some type of holiday this body goes wrong on me and being abroad is a little to far from my hospital which just got voted the best Salford Royal.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to joeven

    Hi joe.

    perhaps the docs feel they have to get things under control first and are wanting to get PSA levels consistently low.

    one dr told me in a and e,casadex would be the first line of attack,another told me they might run radiology along with other treatment.

    sure you are right about docs knowing what they are doing ,for sure I have to my trust in them.

    anxiety and shock did get old of me ,not sleeping not eating well ect.

    i have a very supportive wife and two great kids who between them have given me the will to be positive.

    The good lord will take me when he’s ready ,I ain’t nowhere near ready yet.SunglassesSunglasses

    regards dave,

  • Hi Dave

    Thats a great attitude, keep it up and it will keep you in good stead, remember it's a long fight and you sound like you have great people round you to help.

    I have to admit I ve not slept proper in over two years, I wake and go to the loo then it's like a twilight sleep, I could take something for it but I have two many pills now.

    Keep that positive attitude it goes far.


  • Hi Dave .Try insurancewith.