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Hi had biopsy Thursday been told 6 weeks for results such a long time to worry anybody else had to wait this long is it the norm 

  • On the NHS, the wait time seems to be typically in the 2 - 4 week range.  Late last year, mine was about 2.5 weeks.

    Best wishes for a good result.

    Cheers, Peroni. 

  • It is hard to have to wait for results. 

    A year ago I found this the hardest bit of the process - it felt to me that I was in in a kind of limbo, with the rest of the world fading in importance. I waited 4 weeks.

    Then one of the cancer nurses said to me that prostate cancer was very slow growing, there were treatments for every stage, and "we have time to get in it right".

    I found this a very helpful thought. 

    After I had my results and treatment plan I found this video:

    I found it very helpful, and hope you do too. 

    Dr Mark Scholz is the public face of the American Charity the Prostate Cancer Research Institute. So the video has weight. 

    I hope it helps you in this slightly grim time, and that you can move forward.


    Changed, but not diminished.
  • Hi

    That does seem a long time. I might have been lucky but my results were back in 7 days. 

    Good luck with your results

  • Hello Admiral. Yes that is too long a time to wait. You might like to remind your hospital trust that the Referral to Treatment Time ( RTT)  for suspected cancer is stipulated as 62 days in England. This stipulates that from the day your GP refers you on the cancer pathway to the day you get your first treatment should be no longer than 62 days. I assume you have had to wait for the biopsy. After the biopsy results are known and if cancer is diagnosed you will most likely need more scans. Your Trust is most likely going to breach the 62, days RTT.

    my husband had one appointment postponed for 3 months as he was going along the diagnostic pathway. I reminded the hospital about the RTT target. They were amazed that I knew about this target but they did apologise and get  the diagnostics done in time. Biopsy results were available within 2 weeks.

    i am really sorry to have to say this but unless you are politely assertive and push for the timely care you don’t get it!  

    Good luck!

  • Hello  

    I agree, that's a long wait. I would give urology a couple of weeks and give them a call - just be polite but assertive and let them know your anxiety levels,

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • An interesting experience.

    My appointments, 2 of which were brought forward, matched the RTT perfectly.

    Some people might think that this was deliberate.


    Changed, but not diminished.
  • We were told the same been waiting since 11 Feb coming up to  6 weeks now , the wait is awful isn’t it.  Life’s on hold . 

  • Hi  , sorry to hear you are still waiting, have you contacted your consultant or do you have an appointment date?  Hope you hear soon. David

  • Sad to hear of the delay that you are experiencing  I was lucky at that point in my diagnosis in that I only waited twelve days between biopsy and a telephoned results. However the time between first hospital appointment and starting actual treatment was around 150 days!!

    Waiting, wondering and worrying is by far the worst part of this journey both for you and your nearest & dearest. As Brian (  ) advises call the urology department and make them aware of your anxiety very firmly but politely. Being proactive certainly worked for me when I couldn't get any certainty of dates for my radiotherapy dates, I went to the department in person and pressed my case.
