Still waiting

  • 4 replies
  • 158 subscribers

Hi , my husband is still waiting for biopsy results from 11 Feb . I’m on here many times a day reading and taking in information . I feel guilty when I forget we are waiting but if i think too much it becomes scary , petrified some days cool and calm let’s get this sorted other days . We were told 3 weeks on day of biopsy but clinical nurse that rang with mri results said up to 2 months for results. How long do we wait.  Do we ring ? I don’t want to start this scary journey . I feel like I’ve read everything I can read off reliable sources I learnt dont Google early on and the more I read the more I understand but also the more scared I get . I’m dreading the face to face meeting . Could  be the stupidest question ever but what is life like with prostate cancer ? Husband is 65 im 52 and I’ve never had a relation or anyone I know with prostate cancer so I just don’t know . 

  • Hi Loobjo

    In answer to your last question life is the same as before especially if you have a fairly easy to treat PC.

    After treatment as long as no long lasting side effects you do get back to normal.

    As far as your biopsy result surprising it's taking so so long, normally 2-4 weeks,  possibly now it's gone 4 week give them a ring and ask

    You don't give any stats like PSA,  MRI report so difficult to predict but Gleeson 6/7 easy to treat 8 onwards can get a bit trickier but depends a lot on the other stats.

    All the best 


  • Thank you . This is all the info we got after mri Psa12.7 pirads5 abnormality found in left hemi transition zone , prostate gland volume 31cc density 0.41 . I’ll get him to give them a call thanks for advice . This is a great forum 

  • So , on the face of it doesn't look too bad 

    Looks like contained with a not too high Psa.

    Probably end up , well hopefully,  being a lowish Gleeson so easy to treat and potentially curable.

    Good luck


  • Hello  

    Life with Prostate Cancer is great - you just get on with it, yes you have to make a few adjustments, but you don't walk down the street with a big sign - "I have cancer".  Once you get past the diagnostic stage, you know your husbands PSA, Gleason Score and TNM stage - you will have a treatment plan and life will continue - with small adjustments.

    All hospital trusts are different with results, some results appear on your NHS App, some at your GP's but they are normally back within 3 weeks. Your husband's case will be the subject of an MDT meeting to discuss his results and then you should have either a telephone or face to face appointment to get them and discuss a treatment plan.

    There's no harm in ringing your urology department to tell them you have anxiety and are his results available yet.

    I do hope this helps.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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