Treatment options

  • 6 replies
  • 158 subscribers


I am recently diagnosed and opted for surgery but a potential issue came up on the pre-op assessment which required more tests. Due to the profile of my diagnosis I had to make the decision to commence hormone and radio therapy whilst waiting for test and results on the pre-assessment issue. I haven't started the radio therapy sessions yet but the results of the issue that came up on pre-op have now shown I am ok to under-go surgery to remove my prostate. I have been offered the option to now revert to surgery. I am trying to understand how common it might be to change initial treatment paths in this way - i.e. having surgery after starting on hormone and radio therapy? 

  • Hi Dotmack

    I have not heard of this before but possibly does happen.

    What are your stats IE PSA , Gleeson and MRI report, possibly with that info people on here may advise u to go with Radiotherapy which is what u are currently going to do unless u change your mind.

    Do u know the real reason why the sudden switch and also do u have a preference surgery or RT

    Best wishes


  • Hi Steve thanks for your response.

    My stats are Gleason 4+5, MRI result was 23cc prostate PI RAD 5 right PSA 9.7

    My preference was surgery but issue with ECG result and ultra sound indicated I may not be fit for surgery so given stats made decision to start hormone and radiotherapy whilst waiting for heart cat scan and results.

    When I got the heart scan result back after 6 weeks it was clear. When I asked the question about apparent delay in receiving those results I was told I could still have the surgery if that's what I want.

    So just trying weigh up if I revert would that possibly affect any future secondary treatment.

  • Ok, sorry one more point, do u have a staging TNM score or do u know if contained in the gland  and not spread outside which I feel maybe the case, not spread 


  • Hi  , remember that none of us are medically trained, but my understanding is that initially you had 2 options, surgery or RT.  You opted for surgery, but a possible problem was flagged, so you switched to RT.  Then the problem was resolved, so both options are back on the table.  Had you started RT, surgery would then not be an option.  From my understanding having HT already hasn’t complicated anything.  Please let me know if I got the wrong end of the stick or if we can help with anything else.  David

  • Hi yes diagnosis was localised, not spread beyond the gland.

  • Ok , that's good, 

    So here are the two main points about surgery or RT

    Surgery , major op, possible long lasting side effects ie ED /urinary although obviously not everyone has those issues or they may diminish over time `

    RT . if  cancer returns after the RT then surgery very difficult afterwards but not the other way round RT after surgery.

    So, do check it all out and also see what others say.

    all the best 
