Post prostatectomy follow up appointments

  • 2 replies
  • 156 subscribers

My husband had his prostatectomy in June 2023 and since then his follow up appointments have been cancelled twice. At his last appointment in June 2024 he was told his next appointment would be in 4 months and he received the appointment for October. He has taken control of organising his own PSA tests roughly every 4 months for our peace of mind, which is as well because the October appointment was cancelled and no further appointment has been sent. He is very fortunate that all his results have been undetectable and he is content to continue taking responsibility for arranging his own tests, but he needs guidance on the frequency and also for how long he needs to continue taking daily tadalafil.

Past experience has shown that it's no use ringing urology as they don't respond to the message he has to leave and appointments office can't answer questions.

Emails have been sent to the consultants secretary named on one letter, the Macmillan nurse who was there when he got his diagnosis. An email was also sent to the ED nurse who sorted out an appointment for him when the same thing happened last year. None of these emails have been responded to, so the next step was to send an email to the hospital complaints department, which has also not elicited a response.

I can only hope that those who are not as fortunate as him have not been cut adrift. 

I know that every case is different, but would appreciate any input regarding the frequency of PSA testing and the length of time tadalafil should be taken daily. He has been prescribed with a pump and told to take 3 of the daily tablets the same day any action is anticipated, but not to take one the day before, so basically he needs to be prepared 24hrs in advance for an event that may or may not happen. 

  • Hello  . I think your avatar should be amended to GRRRRR1 as you have not been given the care you should have had. I have checked the NICE guidelines and come across this.

    4 Most patients require follow up as below; those with a high risk of
    recurrence may require more frequent monitoring:
    o 3, 6 and 12 months for the first year
    o 6 monthly for the second and third year
    o annually thereafter in line with Network follow up guidelines
    15.5 Patients require the following at each follow-up review:
    o clinical/symptomatic assessment
    o serum PSA test
    o assessment for erectile dysfunction and incontinence issues
    15.6 The following should be observed for/actions should be taken:
    15.6.1 After radical prostatectomy, a serum PSA level of more than 0.1mg/ml or
    three consecutive rises with ultrasensitive PSA, should prompt referral for
    salvage radiotherapy if appropriate.

    If you are not getting a response to any of your enquiries then you could try contacting your local MP - this usually sharpens their pencil.

  • Thank you for your reply, which is what I had also picked up in my research.

    Our MP, who was elected with a majority of just 355 is only interested in towing the party line. I sent him an email link about a prostate cancer meeting that was taking place in Westminster and I received an automated response saying I would get a full response by a date that was later than the meeting.

    The fool has a facebook page which he uses to promote himself and it's littered with complaints about him not replying to his constituents. Funnily enough when I had a go at him he actually replied saying he was going, whether he did or not I really don't know.

    All I know is that he gave up a career as a nurse to become a useless MP.

    Hubby doesn't like to rock the boat, so I have to his secretary.