There is always hope.

  • 5 replies
  • 156 subscribers

Hi folks,

This is my first post in a while but I feel it`s worth sharing. It is 5 years to the day since I was diagnosed with stage 4 Prostrate Cancer. For those guys who have recently joined this fantastic forum or those who do not recognise my username, please read my profile to give you an idea of my cancer experience. Any diagnosis of any disease like cancer is hard to take in and fully understand or even come to terms with. It has been said many times on this forum, everyone is different and react to different treatments, medications and emotions, there is no right way or wrong way but there is always hope. I have been fortunate as I have responded really well to my treatment plan which I have been on since the beginning. I still experience most of the side effects from Abiraterone and hormone injections but I have become an expert in dealing with these inconveniences so to speak. Treatments for Prostate Cancer are alway evolving, even from when I was diagnosed back in 2020, there has been some exciting developments. For all the guys who have been recently diagnosed or for those who are further down the treatment line, remember that all is not lost. I have been in the same position as yourselves, I have been through many ups and downs but I am still here 5 years on and still feel positive albeit on a day to day basis. Finally, I feel it is only fair to mention the tremendous unwavering support from all the NHS staff I have encountered (and still do) over the years. This also extends to the many Prostate Cancer charities who do much needed and wonderful work.

I hope this post can offer some solace to anyone that Prostate Cancer has affected and goes some way to offer comfort to those guys (and families) who are struggling with this awful disease.

Take care and here`s to the next 5 years. Tom.

  • Hi  , great post.  I have just replied to another post but hope that  reads your comments.  This should give hope to many newbies.   David

  • Harley D, great encouraging post. I have had all my tests and scans done, and I’m nervously waiting for the results. Even though this is the beginning of my journey, I totally agree with you about tThumbsup NHS staff, they are truly amazing. And this site is fantastic also, with so many kind and understanding people who answer even some of my stupid sounding questions! Thumbsup

  • Great post  . We are 4 months behind you as hubby was diagnosed in July 2020 with stage 4 prostate cancer. Despite the ups and downs of treatment and progression he is still determined to fight and enjoy life. My name says it all.

  • Hi  ,

    Thank you for a great encouraging post. 

    I am 11 months into my journey and I am determined to go onwards and upwards. 

    My pathway is, at this time, working towards cure, but then things happen. 

    Your story is encouraging for all of us, because you have just kept going, which you are demonstrating. 

    As you say, everyone I have encountered in the NHS had been brilliant and this forum is superb, with people swapping ideas and experiences to the benefit of everyone. 

    Keep going, because soon Plan B will be keeping us all going indefinitely.


    Changed, but not diminished.