Prostatectomy Update

  • 9 replies
  • 158 subscribers

Hey folks,

Just thought that I'd share an update as it's 12 months to the day went I under went the robotic procedure in Maidstone. My life has pretty much returned to pre diagnosed PC activity. I'm doing plenty of sports, Yoga, pilates, daily dog walks and continuing with pelvic floor exercises daily. Quarterly PSA tests and statins as recommended by my GP. Sex life has returned to as satisfactory levels as before (less instant spontaneity) with the condition of a 20-30 minute notice period to allow for injections and or magic pills to take effect. I say all this not to gloat but to offer hope and encouragement to those who think that these things are not possible, with luck and the right support they can indeed. So good luck and love to all on this life changing journey. Best wishes to all.


  • Good Morning  

    Thank you very much for a very positive report on your surgery. It's great to know when a plan works, many people come here seek advice and "ride off into the sunset" and we don't hear from them again.

    I hope you don't mind me adding your age so at 68 you are doing very well and it just shows that a full recovery and an almost back to normal life is possible. Well done and thanks again for your post.  Please do come back in 12 months time with a further update.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi Barnman,

    Great to hear things are good. I am 11 months post prostatectomy. Interesting to read about injections. I am still using the  pump but will take this up with ED Nurse at March appointment. How did you get your head around it, I suppose the question i have is - does it hurt. 

    Cheers Psticks

  • I also used the pump and still do regularly to assist with blood flow. The injections are easy once you get your head around the process. With regards to pain it is really a little prick and not that painful it's more psychological I reckon. Cheers BM

  • Cheers Millibob, will do Thnx BM

  • Are you getting follow up appointments to coincide with your quarterly PSA tests. My hubby had his prostatectomy at the Medway in June 2023 and he's only had 3 appointments due to them being cancelled. Fortunately he's taken control of getting his PSA tests and they still continue to be undetectable.

  • I've had all follow ups required at this point. I've been advised to contact my Maidstone clinic should my PSA levels start to go up. I arrange my PSA testing via blood test at my local GP.

  • As the results are available for the hospital to see before any appointment I would expect them to be proactive without the need for the patient to contact them. My husband was told that if the PSA rises to 0.2 he will need further treatment and we had assumed that until they discharge him they would be on top of this and after discharge his GP would refer him back. 

    As the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing together we are taking control.

    Could I ask if you were prescribed daily tadalafil and if you've been told how long to take it?

  • Yes I have prescribed daily tadalafil I believe for a 3 year period.

  • Thank you. He's not been told how long to take it, but I have read somewhere that it should only be taken daily for 12 months. 

    When he gets another appointment he will seek clarification.