Update since operation

  • 2 replies
  • 156 subscribers

Hello out there,

It has now been over 2 months since my robotic assisted radical prostatectomy.

My follow up date with my consultant is on March 18th with a blood test the week before.

I have gone through a lot of emotions since then including pain and depression.

Once l got to the end of January my wife said  "thank god that month is over"

Unfortunately my mother suffered a heart attack and sadly passed away on the 3rd of February :-(

I saw my mum everyday, she had 4 carers look after her and was the grand age of 94.

I couldn`t see mum for over 3 weeks and had to tell her l had, had a hernia operation

as l didn`t want her to worry if l mentioned the word cancer.

This turn of events has weirdly helped me to focus on something other than myself.

I have thrown myself in to sorting out mums bills, house and funeral arrangements.

And believe you me there is a mountain of paperwork to get through.

I feel like i`m still looking after mum which is comforting.

I have had appointments back at the hospital but they soon realised it was too soon after my operation to be of any use.

They have re-scheduled in another 2 months time.

I did speak to a Urology Nurse about my incontinence which is getting me down.

The best pads are Tena level 3 but i`m getting through a pack of 9 a day which is costing £180 - £200 a month !!

The Urology Nurse was very helpful and is going to send me some pads to help out and hopefully half the load.

I still suffer with some soreness so am still using Cavilon and Savalon to ease any pain.

I am doing as much as l can exercise wise and making good albeit slow progress.

I do gardening for the elderly so it is my aim to start gardening again once the better weather is here to give me a goal to aim for.

  • Hello Rod ( 

    Thank you very much for the update on your surgery and I am so sorry to read about your mother - please accept my condolences.

    As you say your recovery is slow but you are recovering so things are on the up. People tend to forget that surgery to remove the prostate isn't a "small" operation and recovery can take time and can't be rushed.

    I have taken note of the fact your emotions have been up and down - please do remember the Support Line is there for you and your family on 0808 808 00 00 (8am to 8pm 7 days a week) - do give them a call, they are happy to help.

    If i can do anything for you please do let me know.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thank you so much, l have found the comments on this forum since joining reassuring and feel like there is someone out the to listen and share with Pray