
  • 8 replies
  • 158 subscribers

Hi all I wondered if anyone had experienced burning in the lower regions and in urine ,I had water tests and antibiotics in the past I am now starting to wonder if it's to do with pc

  • Hi Mace,

    It's not clear whether you have already been diagnosed with PC or whether it's something that you think you may have.  If you can provide some additional details then I'm sure others will be along shortly with some advice.

    In the meantime, it's often the case that a burning sensation when having a pee can be down to not drinking enough fluids - plain water is best.  As a rough guide 2 litres a day is best (there is an amount per kg of weight that is suggested but I can't remember what the actual figures are, but they do work out slightly higher than the 2 litres).

    Best Wishes


  • Hi Brian no not yet biopsy results on Thursday 

  • Hi Brian.

    This is the calculation.

    Daily Water Intake = Body Weight (in kilograms) x 0.03. For example, if someone weighs 70 kilograms, their daily water intake would be 70 x 0.03 = 2.1 litres. People who exercise more or live in hot climates may need additional water to stay hydrated.

      , Prostatitis and a urine infection can both produce a burning pee symptom.

    All the best for Thursday.

  • Hope it's the news you want to hear on Thursday.

  • I have a gut feeling it will be pc but hopefully not to bad 

  • Once you have the results it will enable you to focus on any treatment that may be needed rather than spending time thinking about all the ''what if it's this'' scenarios which we are all prone to do.