Urinary problems

  • 9 replies
  • 164 subscribers

Hi, I'm 2 years of 3 into HT (Prostrap) and 19 months post RT. I have always had a week bladder but it has been worse since the PC treatment started. Originally I was given Tamsulosin, which didn't really make any difference. They gave me Solifenacin to take alongside Tamsulosin, which didn't improve things, so they gave me Mirabegron to take along side the other two. Which hasn't improve things. I have a follow up meeting next month but the urologist did say there are no other medication options after this.

The daytimes I can cope with but it's the constant broken sleep, having to get up 6,7,8 times a night to go to the loo.

I have tried, bladder training, pelvic excersize but nothing seems to improve.

Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions.

  • The first thing that came to mind was a urinary sheath for night time. Just a suggestion to ask your urologist but also would referral to a continence clinic be of use.

  • Hi Brizzy, I’m not talking here from a position of medical expertise ! But I wonder whether self catheterisation for overnight with a night bag might allow you to sleep? There is always a risk with catheters of introducing infection into the urinary tract but would it be worth exploring this option with your medical team? You must be exhausted with all those toilet trips overnight.  

    like AH ,I also thought of the urinary sheath which drains into a container. Less risk of infection but more likely to disturb your sleep or become dislodged, perhaps?

  • Hi, how long did you persist with the bladder training? It did work for me when I had similar issues post RT, but it took over 2 months to see any difference.

    I've documented my bladder training experience here -  RE: Bladder re-training 

    Hope this helps 


  • Hello  

    I am so sorry to read your post - I know just what it's like being up twice/three times in the night - the strange thing for me is I go back to sleep, so although it's an issue, it's not a problem.

    My resources tell me to direct you here - NHS - 10 WAYS TO STOP LEAKS.

    I think if I were you I would be badgering my GP for help.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi Brizzy1

    I'm in the same boat as you and have a really bad overactive bladder I've been doing all the pelvic exercises and bladder training no joy ,I'm really worried when I start RT ,I'm on Mirabegron and it's not really helping 

    Was it tough getting through RT with the weak bladder  ? ,I'm dreading it having to fill the bladder and not pee.

    Hope you find a solution 


  • Hi

    i I had my concerns going into RT. I was worried I could retain enough fluid in my bladder before the session. I was lucky as my sessions took place 8.00am…..so didn’t have to wait around…..did have issues needing to go on the drive back…..but soon sorted a solution for that.

    good luck

  • Hi 

    I'll be asking for a similar time appointment time as yours makes totally sense 


  • I had problems and I have ended up going to bed early to cope with the nocturnal activities. I agree with alwayshope...I sent off for samples...they weren't practical for me.....do you want the company name and number?

  • Just commenting that, like L1m, I used bladder training as a very important aid to help resolve low volumes, urgency and excessive frequency after surgical intervention to address BPH.  

    It's uncomfortable, very tedious, and takes a considerable amount of time (2+ weeks) to start yielding an improvement, but it worked in my situation. 

    However, if you have not already done so, it may be best to consult your doctor or other medically-trained person, to ensure that it is appropriate for your circumstances. 

    Good luck.