Groin Pain

  • 6 replies
  • 160 subscribers

Can anyone give us any help/info with regard to groin pain? My OH was diagnosed 2 years ago, advanced prostate with bone mets. He's had enzalutamide, chemo, radiotherapy, now on bicalutamide/liquid morphine and half way through radium 223. He gets severe groin pain when sitting on a hard chair, although not at other times. This is bearable but means he can't go out to eat, or to the cinema/theatre etc. He has to stand up half way through meals at home. We've mentioned this at several hospital apts but it doesn't seem to be taken seriously. Can anybody suggest where we go from here please? 

  • Hello  . Sorry to hear about the pain. We carry a seat pad with us for hubby to sit on - his osteopath recommended this for bum pain and if you know anything about Greek restaurant chairs you will know why.

  • Hi SpiritintheSky, I use a pressure relieving cushion, my district nurse accessed occupational therapy for  me, and the next day the cushion was delivered, if you don't have a district nurse, ask your GP for a referral, I also have my hospice and their palliative care team who could help.


  • Hi  

    Mr BW has a memory foam seat pad, though he prefers to stand up when working at the desk. Apparently sitting on a cushion will open up the pelvis relieving the pressure. There's quite a choice,  look for:  office equipment memory foam seat pads. These are specially designed to take the pressure off in the workplace, but also perfect for home . His is shaped for support, you can get several types also small memory foam pads ideal for taking anywhere. Hope that helps.


  • Thankyou for the advice. We will ask the hospice, who are helping with pain relief meds.

  • Thankyou for the advice, certainly worth a try. 

  • You are welcome, my friend, and it's good to hear you have your hospice and PCT on board, as do I.

    Eddie xx