New third 3-month PSA result just came in

  • 7 replies
  • 153 subscribers

Hi !

I know we all like to hear Good News as well so, had my third 3-month PSA test today after final radiation in April 2024. The test came back < 0.1 !! (which is as low they measure in Sweden (and Finland)) Slight smile

Now I’ve been 1 year on hormone therapy (first Firmagon and now Orgovyx) which is a milestone by itself.

Anyway, good news we all can do more of I think. So, the fight is still ongoing against the prostate cancer beast. 

Best wishes Ulf

  • Hi There

    Good to hear good news for a change.

    Keep up the fight ;-)



  • Great News  

    You are doing really well - Keep it up.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Great news Ulf and what a relief. 

  • congrats - keep fighting the good fight !   NEVER give up NEVER surrender !

  • Great news. My PSA reading was 0.3 last week. How are you finding Orgovyx?

    I've asked my consultant about going on it instead of Firmagon, however he still says they haven't been given the go ahead to prescribe it, he also mentioned the cost and who would pay for it, I soon closed that argument as my GP issues the Firmagon prescription (the consultant wrote and asked them to) and the cost according to NICE is £129.37 every 4 weeks whereas Orgovyx (Relugolix) is £87.45 a saving of £41.92, so I can't see my GP having any issues about prescribing it. I've also emailed my GP to put them in the picture and just waiting for a response 

  • Hi !

    I had so much problem after each Firmagon injection with reactions at the injection site so for me it was a blessing to go over to pills and manage my own administration of hormone therapy.

    My mood is more up and down after changing to Orgovyx but I don’t know if it’s only Orgovyx or a combination of Orgovyx and Abiraterone. But taking my medicine as pills is a relief.

    Well, as I’m treated by my doctor in Finland and gets EU prescriptions from him I must pay the cost myself and that”s approx 140 Euro. Orgovyx is also approved in Sweden but Orgovyx is rarely subscribed and ’standard’ is normally the agonist versions of ADT. So, have to pay out of pocket but ok to do that for the easy management.

    Sounds like your’e responding well to your hormone therapy and just keep up the good fight against ’the beast ’ Slight smile

    Best wishes - Ulf