My RARLP experience

  • 2 replies
  • 159 subscribers

Hi Folks

I had my prostatectomy yesterday afternoon at University College London Hospital.  Never having had surgery or a general anaesthetic before I was naturally apprehensive and read around as much as I could before and after making the decision for surgery.  I went along yesterday as mentally prepared as I could be for all the potential after and side effects - but guess what it wasn't half as bad as I expected.  A very calm and kind anaesthetist chatted to me as I felt the anaesthetic run up my arm and the next thing I knew I was surrounded by equally nice staff in the recovery room.  I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach and my abdomen felt as if it was full of trapped wind but these soon lessened and within a few hours all I had was a slightly uncomfortable stomach (rather like when you realise you have eaten too much) and an ache in my shoulders which was worse temporarily when I sat or stood upright but disappeared completely when laid flat. I didn't need any painkillers all night.  Sleeping wasn't great but with 2 hourly obs that's only to be expected, I was however very comfortable.  Had no problems with my catheter - except when I accidentally opened the tap when changing out of my pyjamas and left a pool on the floor!  Saw the surgeon this morning and was very happy to hear that in addition to doing the Retzius sparing operation they had managed to save all the nerves on my right side and some also on the left - gives me some optimism that I might eventually make a functional recovery.  Discharged at 1pm today so now safely home and resting. I'm sure I'm not unique so if you are considering surgery yourself try not to be too put off by all the things you read which naturally present a worst case scenario.

I still have potential hurdles to overcome in my recovery but my overwhelming emotion right now is one of relief and happiness that there is a good chance that I am now completely free of PC.  

I'm not planning to bore you all with update posts but if anyone is interested in following my recovery I will make an attempt to update my profile from time to time.

Thanks to you all for your support leading up to this



  • Hi Dar55. What a great summary of events. That was me nearly a year ago and I recognise a lot of your experience. Take it easy and let your stomach muscles rest while they get back to normal. Remember not to to do pelvic floors while catheter is in place. 
    I remember the massive relief I also felt after the op. It’s onwards and upwards from here - you’ve done the hard bit. Just take your time to recover. I wish you the best for the rest of your recovery.

  • Hello Dave  

    Thank you ever so much for your post. Everyone who posts their journey be it a full account of surgery to the side effects of Hormone Therapy is helping to create our bank of knowledge and there's nothing like personal experiences.

    Everything looks like it went well and I wish you well with a full recovery. Please do pop back from time to time to keep us updated.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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