Prostate cancer. New diagnosis.

  • 53 replies
  • 166 subscribers

Hi. I have recently been diagnosed with 3/4 Gleason scale prostate cancer. Came as a shock. No symptoms. I am 64 years old and need help/advice from people who have been through this and would like to know their thoughts on which treatment they would recommend. I have been given 5 options and would like to hear from the forum their experiences and recommendations for treatment.

  • Hi  - we’re here but can you give us a little more background? Presenting PSA, anything else written on your biopsy report, etc?  AW

  • If you’re not able to give any more detail, a good starting point is to look at members’ bios (click on their name / icon) and you will see, on many of them, their prostate cancer story so far.    AW

  • Hello  

    A warm welcome to the Macmillan online Prostate Group - although I am so sorry to find you here. My good friend  is right, the more information you can give us the better we can point you in the right direction.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Welcome on board Nobby29 ( the saying goes, to the club that everyone would rather not be a member of) 

    In addition to the points mentioned by AW, it would be useful to know the 5 options that you have been given, and any recommendation(s) that you may have received so far from your medical team. 

    Also, another useful item would be the decision timeframe, assuming you have one at this point.   

    Best regards.  

  • Hello  and welcome. The fact that you have been given a choice of treatments is a good thing as it implies that the cancer has been caught early but your TNM, initial PSA, age and biopsy report are all parts of the puzzle which determine what your best course of action might be. There is a good book you can download for free which explains the diagnosis tests and summarises the different treatments.

    You have a little time to review all your options and find the one most suitable for you so ask questions and start to prioritise what is important to you as all treatments will come with possible side effects.

  • Thank you everyone so far. On 3/10 my PSA 11.2. On 12/11 it was 6.1.

    Mri was inconclusive.Livert 3 based on density

    Right systemic scores 3 out of 9

    Left systemic scores 3 out of 9

    Gleason 3/4

    Overall ISUP grade group 2

    longest length of tumour 2mm T2b NOMO

    These are the results in my letter 

    5 options are

     Active surveillance

     External beam radiotherapy with hormone therapy

    Permanent seed brachytherapy 

    HIFU ( high intensity focused ultrasound )


    I am 64, in general good health. 

    What do people recommend?

  • Hi Nobby 

    Your stats are low so AS Def an option.

    Tumour size at 2mm is very small.

    My largest tumour grew from 3mm to 13mm over 4:years just to compare.

    If going on AS just make sure they keep monitoring which I'm sure they would.

    Onto treatment when/if needed.

    External beam dead easy with few side effects which usually go away some time after treatment is over.

    Surgery, major op, not my choice but some seem to be happy with it.

    Brachytherapy a good alternative to external beam.

    Hi fu, have read good things but no long term stats so not sure on that one.

    Anyway time on your side and see what others say

    Best wishes 


    Just one thing

    PSA in Oct 11, Nov was 6, is that correct and do u have any other PSA before October?

  • Hello  

    Well there you go - 5 choices all leading to a curative pathway. I am not medically trained and this is a personal opinion - not Macmillan advice.

    Active Surveillance - No because even though your PSA is up and down intervention will be needed sooner than later - sort it whilst you are fit.

    External Beam Radiotherapy & Hormone Therapy - No because there are alternatives and Hormone Therapy has side effects.

    Permanent Seed Brachytherapy - Possibly, it's not offered everywhere, it's not too invasive and has great results.

    HIFU - Yes - The least invasive and possibly the shortest treatment plan, not available everywhere.

    Prostatectomy - No - it's major surgery - need I say more.

    That's only my personal opinion. I have been on the Radiotherapy and Hormone Therapy path and happy to answer any questions (to see my journey click on my name or avatar).

    I am sure others will be along soon - remember no question is silly or trivial so ask away - it's an important choice you are making.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • 3 years ago PSA was 1.2 . Oct was 11.2, Nov was 6.1.

    What treatment are you on?

    Thanks for your reply.

  • Sorry, just realised the treatment you’re on, 

    What are your side effects?