A little knowledge goes a long way?

  • 4 replies
  • 159 subscribers

After a long time low, my PSA started doubling and a PSMA PET located a small lesion in my sternum.  I was put on Enzalutamide. At my 3 month review, about 2 weeks ago I met with my oncologist and CNS.  Their first suggestion was to continue with Enzalutamide until that fails and then revert to plan B. We had a very long discussion as I felt we hadn’t explored all other options.  Today I had a second opinion from another oncologist and we discussed SABR to the single lesion which she felt to be a very valid option. This should allow me to drop the Enzalutamide (to be restarted later when needed).  I have a meeting with my own oncologist again on 3 Jan to confirm this option but it is exactly what I was hoping would be the outcome.  In my simple non medical terms, with a little knowledge I think this has bought me more time.  I’m a happy boy!.  Best wishes to you all and Happy Christmas. David

  • Hello  

    Cracking post - it shows you have been hanging around the Community and digesting all the information posted and "pow" there you go sorting your own journey out!!

    I do hope it works well for you and your 3 trips to the "sunbed" do the business.

     I’m a happy boy!

    That's the type of quotation we need around the Community.

    Keep us posted as to how you get on.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thanks Brian.  David

  • Good morning David.

    A nice piece of news as an early Christmas present. Have a lovely time over the festive season with your family and may you have many more. You are an inspiration for us on the incurable but TREATABLE pathway so thank you. Let us know how you get on. Sending you big hugs.

  • Great!

    That's all. 

    Great news!

    Now a long period of seeing other people to a calmer state, as you did with me. 

    Warm regards, 



    Changed, but not diminished.