New diagnosis

  • 9 replies
  • 160 subscribers

Morning all

Well, I'm on the other side. I'm a macmillan palliative care nurse but this side is all new to me

OH diagnosed last week. CPG 2 gleason 7 (3+4)

Offered surveillance, radio or surgery

Surveillance not an option and he's not keen for surgery so looking at radiotherapy 

He has looked at nano knife but no experience of this at all

Physically no symptoms, just a routine PSA as on testosterone so caught very early and ref on a 2WW 

Mentally its another thing,

From PSA to urology appointment was 6 weeks so it's been great

I know he's worried about the side effects of treatment 

It's hard knowing what to do for the best 

He's been referred in for radiotherapy as that's his first choice over surgery 

Just wondering about people's experiences