Update from Oncologist

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  • 158 subscribers

Just home from seeing the Oncologist. OH will start palliative radiotherapy but now on a waiting list to have Ficidial Markers done but the oncologist  said it will be at least 6 weeks for this to happen then it will 6 days of RT. He said he won’t touch his lymph nodes as it could cause more problems than helping . You have to put your faith in them but still have concerns that they possibly could do them. Just feel so useless 

Liz & OH 


  • Hi Liz

    i think I remember u from before, I presume that he is on HT to halt any spread before treatment starts?

    T3b,  in seminal vesicles but potentially still curable.

    Its good that having RT with gold markers as more targeted, as long as on HT time prob not a big issue although I know that it's the waiting that worst part.

    Once markers in RT should start soon after so not too long now

    Good luck


  • Thank you Steve . Yea OH is on Aberaterone , Prostap & Prednisone . His PSA was 14 in March when diagnosed and it’s down to 0.4 .  prostrate , seminal vesicles and two lymph nodes involved . 
    it totally is the waiting is the hardest as it seems to be either 6 or 12 week waiting game. 

  • just one thing that puzzles me although don't want to worry u more, u say not touching the nodes, are they nearby nodes or distant?

    good news about the PSA by the way, shows HT working well

    all the best 


  • They are in his pelvic area 

  • Ok so in theory nearby, could be worth double checking on why they can't zap them at the time of RT to the prostate gland 


  • Hello Liz and OH.

    You have your plan now and, as you say, you have to rely on the experts. Did you get your answer to whether the inguinal and femoral lymph node are cancerous - from the treatment offered I presume they are not?

  • Hello Liz & OH ()

    Thank you for the update - it sounds like your team have a plan and you must trust them as they are the experts. the Ficidial Markers (gold seeds) enable a very accurate dose of RT delivered - I only got 3 Tattoo's from the NHS!! Below is a link to our guide to radiotherapy, just in case you need it-


    I can't understand why they are reluctant to "zap" his Pelvic Lymph nodes. I am a T3a and they did mine. Again every consultant has their own way of doing things and I am sure they will have your best interest at heart. At least the treatment has kicked the cancer into sleep mode.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • When we go into the cancer centre we will ask the oncology radio therapist as I kept asking and all I got was doing them might cause more problems than help .

  • Ok, well obviously they know more than we do, we are not specialists but does seem odd , if it were nodes outside pelvic area then I would understand but not the case.

    If they don't zap the nodes then I presume would have to stay on HT.

    Perhaps there is a very good reason why but they should tell u exactly what the issue is

    Otherwise go for a 2nd opinion 

    Cause more problems than helping (they say )but what if they just leave them , more problems then


  • Thanks Brian . No options given . He was more focussed on OH initialling the agreement for RT . We will ask when we meet the oncology radiotherapist