Ultrasensitive PSA measurments

  • 2 replies
  • 132 subscribers

Hi !

In Sweden (and Finland) we never (or selldom) have ultrasensitive PSA testing so the lowest PSA is < 0.1 or ’undetectable’.

i have seen discussions regarding ultrasensitive PSA measurments and I can understand the value perhaps after prostatectomy because you have removed the major source of PSA in your blood.

But for us with the prostate left, radiated for example and perhaps on ADT. Is there any significant value of trying to get a ultrasensitive PSA measurment?

Like I said, I can perhaps understand the use of it after prostatectomy or perhaps even after radiation and ADT and when the has come to stop ADT

But, what value do you bring to the table knowing more decimals compared to < 0.1 from a prognostic perspective?

Best wishes - Ulf

  • It's most useful after prostatectomy including salvage salvage RT following prostatectomy. You can see how quickly it might be progressing towards 0.1 if there's another decimal place, and some places will use this to start salvage treatments earlier than just hitting the 0.1 or 0.2 thresholds.

    I had radiotherapy and hormone therapy, and my hospital did PSA tests down to 0.01 which I found useful and plotted. The fact I was <0.01 ever since RT meant my oncologist said I could stop my HT early. That wouldn't have been known if the lab only measured down to 0.1.

    Some hospital labs have measured down to 0.003 in the past, but I don't know any still doing that.

  • Hi Andy62 !

    A PSA less than < 0.01 as an indicator to perhaps come of hormone therapy faster sounds like a very useful prognostic factor after radiation and when you’re on ADT. So, how much did it shorten your hormone therapy if I may ask compared to your initial planning?

    Regarding using less than 0.1 for initiating salvage treatment. Ok for perhaps seeing a trend that it might be time for salvage treatment. A total amateur here but what might you actually find when doing for example a PSMA Pet scan if your PSA is < 0.1 ?

    Wow, 0.003!  With that sensitivity you really need to make sure don’t do anything that might affect PSA measurment and still I suppose you may see changes when you have your prostate left and have had treatments. I would have been a wreck in time for every PSA test

    Anyway, < 0.01 seems to have a very good prognostic value. Thanks for the good insight Slight smile

    Best wishes - Ulf