Does Denosumab have serious side effects?

  • 2 replies
  • 132 subscribers

Hello all

I have started my ADT, which is a combined therapy of orgovyx and abiraterone acetate, plus prednisone.

Earlier plan was to take degarelix injection, but my onco changed it to the oral form. In order to combat the bone related side effects of these medicines, he has also.prescribed denosumab injection to be taken once in 6 months.

While it is meant to mitigate the bone thinning, my own redearch reveals  many side effects.

So my question is, has anyone been on this medicine and did it help in preventing osteoporosis. What were the side effects if any? And were they manageable?

Are there other alternatives?do calcium supplements and Vitamin D give same level of bone health as compared to denosumab?

What would be the safest medicine to prevent bone thinning?

  • Hi  

    My husband has been on this for the last 4 years. He has been prescribed Xgeva 120mg every 2 months which I prepare for him and he injects it himself into the stomach. He also takes calcium and vitamin D but I make sure that his supplemented calcium does not exceed 1000mg per day. To be honest he hasn't noticed any difference from the side effects he gets from the hormone therapy but the major side effect to watch out for is osteonecrosis of the jaw (4 cases per 100000 patients). His calcium levels have remained stable for the whole time. He has had no broken bones even though he has had falls. There are different dosing recommendations for different versions e.g. Prolia is given once every 6 months.

    An alternative is biphosphonates.

  • Hi thanks for your reply. Its a very useful info.

    As u said the other option is bisphosphonates. I plan to seek an opinon from an orthopedic before taking the denosumab shot.