Bleeding after catheter removal

  • 10 replies
  • 150 subscribers

Hi. Had catheter removed on Thursday after removal of prostate. Op went well and recovery was going to plan but I’ve been bleeding quite a bit when I pee since the catheter was removed.  Will ring ward tomorrow but just wondered if anyone else had this. 

  • Hi River06 welcome to the forum and glad that at least your surgery is past. I dont know enough about your type of surgery but Im sure plenty lovely folks on the prostate thread will be  along soon to offer some words of advice for you.  CNCER 


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello  .

    My husband hasn't had a prostatectomy so I can't help apart to say drinking plenty of water is important and apparently bleeding can occur for several weeks post surgery. What I have done is tagged in a couple of members who have recently had surgery to see if they have had the same experience and can offer any help.


  • Hi Rover06

    im one of those tagged above. After having my catheter removed, for a couple of days I did wee a little bit pink and pass the odd bit of debris, but I wouldn’t have said that I bled as such. 
    However, 3 days after having the catheter removed I had developed an infection up there somewhere, the tip of my penis had a slight burning sensation when peeing and the base felt bruised. 
    I went back to the hospital, past some urine for a test and ended up on tablets containing mercury which cleared everything up a few days later.

    Hope this helps in some way, but my wee was never more than lightly pink but maybe a bleed could be a sign of infection…possibly, but I would go in to see them again regardless

    Best wishes


  • Do get this checked out as I don't think that that there should be much if any bleeding. Best wishes BM

  • Hello  

    You have had some great replies above however as you have posted a "bit of a medical question" - I have to advise you (and you have said so yourself) you need to contact your medical team on Monday.

    If there is any "heavy or dark" bleeding you need to contact 111 or attend your nearest A & E now. (better safe than sorry).and you do need to ask the question  - "why do I have a bleed".

    I do hope all is well - please let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi Rover06. As others have said, some blood in your pee is to be expected at first but should decrease significantly after a few ‘visits’. I think you should definitely contact your medical team. Good luck with your recovery. 

  • Hi everyone. Just got back from hospital and I have an infection but the doctors are not worried about the blood. As long as I’m going for a wee they are ok with it. Said it’s just a consequence of having the catheter out and the fact I’m on blood thinners. So feel a lot better now. Thanks for all your reply’s 

  • So glad you got it checked out and everything is ok. I presume antibiotics now to give the infection the heave-ho. It's a good idea if you are taking antibiotics to also have a probiotic to help the gut get back into balance quicker. Infections can make you feel rough so I wish you a speedy recovery.