Cycle 3 of chemo begins with a surprise PSA result!

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  • 146 subscribers

Well today I recieved my 3rd dose of the cancer poison. sadly it looks like it’s not been a poisonous Skull crossbones️ as I’d of hoped for! 

part of my bloods on Monday, ready for today were a post cycle 2 PSA. My PSA pre chemo cycle 1 was a very very promising 0.47 but my results today after 2 cycles was a rather disappointing 1.59!

has anyone else experienced this on their chemo journey?

the nurs said not to worry. Easier said than done. Thankfully im seeing my oncologist on Monday, so thankfully not too long to wait for his thoughts. 

  • Hi Grantyo12, the chemotherapy surge, "your PSA rise" is not uncommon with docetaxel, and usually lasts no longer than two months. take care.


  • Thanks Eddiel, I had read about it somewhere. I’m just 6 weeks in Yesterday, so hopefully my next PSA in 3 weeks time will be better. Think it was the pre chemo 0.47 which made me, maybe over hopeful of better and better results! 

  • Morning Grantyo12, we have to be hopeful, and a smooth journey would be nice but I think we have to expect an occasional bump in the road. My best wishes for your next PSA test, take care. 


  • Yes I’m ever hopeful Eddie, and to be fair it’s the first bump I’ve had in my short 4 months journey so far, you take care too! 

  • Thank you, let's hope it's the only bump you have. 


  • Hi  .

    There is a phenomenon called the PSA flare during chemotherapy. Think of it as the cancer cells breaking open and screaming as they die which can increase the PSA levels in the blood. This should only last a few weeks and will normally be back to pre chemotherapy level by week 12. Keep strong and I hope you are coping OK with the treatment.

  • Hi Grantyo.

    Good morning it's great to meet you today sorry to hear that your treatment is going as you hoped for!!!!!

    I haven't started chemo as yet but I know you will have plenty of other members who have experienced this and they can give you there thoughts and hopes.

    From my current experiences to date your PSA numbers are still very low as mine started at 1000+ and they now stand at 1.79 & unfortunately they are starting to climb!!!

    I am not too worried as I know that I currently have plan b and with the new treatments coming along hopefully I will have plan c,d,e,f.

    Please come back to us if you need any further help/support???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Hi  , please don’t worry about a single (or a double for that matter) spike at any point on your journey.  You are playing a long game here.  Just focus on your chemo, you sound to be doing well.  Stay positive.  Best wishes, David

  • Yes I have read about this, but the research seems very old 2008. I like your explanation thanks! I have another PSA week 9, just before cycle 3 and my Onco appt on Monday for a review. Other than that, so far I seem to be sailing through with minimal side effects! 

  • Hi David, I’m not too worried, was just a bit shocked after the 0.47 pre chemo number, my focus and resolve is still strong Muscle as ever! Thanks