So just when you think it can’t get much worse

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  • 131 subscribers

It’s me again…

just an update……my other half’s liver biopsy results are in. Turns out that the 4 doxcetaxel chemo cycles he had before it was cancelled due to high enzymes in the liver, had no effect on the cancer spread because he liver cancer originated in the bowel…..

Although it’s very unusual, my OH has both prostrate cancer and bowel cancer which have occurred at around the same time….. 

The good news is that his bone scan was clear and they now think the prostrate cancer is under control. Now we’re waiting for an appointment with a consultant who specialises in bowel cancer to hopePensivelly come up with a treatment plan. We will continue with prostrate cancer treatment under our original consultant at the same time. He says he has only seen this in around one patient a year, if thaPensive Guess we must be in a special club then…..Pensive

Sometimes when you think things can’t get any worse they do anyway! 

Determined to stay positive and beat this bloody thing…….will keep posting updates hoping it helps someone else who is experiencing a similar thing. You’re not alone! 

  • Hi  , so sorry to read your post and what bad luck.  Your attitude is going to go a long way in getting your OH through this challenge.  Stay positive.  Best wishes to you both, David

  • Thanks David…..

    I think we’ve got to the point where we think this is how it is, we can’t change it….so we can sink or swim! We’ve chosen to swim… OH is so positive and this forum is such a comfort to me. Just knowing you’re not alone means the world!

    To everyone else who is fighting their own battle….keep going….you can do this! Everyone on here roots for each other….we are stronger together, that’s for sure. 

  • Hi  . Sorry to hear about the concomitant cancers and hopefully you will soon have a plan in place to deal with the bowel cancer. The good news is that the prostate cancer is under control. Take each day at a time but I love your attitude. All the best to you both and keep us updated.

  • Hi Goingloopy, I am sorry to hear your recent news, and wish you both the very best through treatment. synchronous cancer occurs in about 1 in 20 patients so there will be a plan, and can often have a better outlook than one that has metastasised, PS, i know a guy who has 4 synchronous cancers and is doing ok 4 years after being diagnosed, take care.
