So, how long does it take for the side effects of Zoladex to kick in.

  • 8 replies
  • 130 subscribers

I updated my profile today after my first 3 month Zoladex injection.

There were a number of things, so to save myself a lot of typing I am just going to quote what I updated my profile with:

"19/07 - first three month injection for Zoladex, which, I have to confess, was a less fun experience than the one month one. Worse, the doctor I saw couldn't do it, so a nurse had to demonstrate how it was done to the doctor how to do it with me as the model.

After the injection spoke to the doctor about a spot on my nose which has been misbehaving and, surprise suprise, have been referred to the dermatologist clinic. Once again on the 14 day suspected cancer list (third time this year) which I don't really mnd because I get seen quicker. The reason for action is that it COULD be basal cell carcinoma.

It may actually be, because once again both my age and the position on the nose make it something that has to be worked out. Even if it is, that's one of the versions of cancer that has more ways of treating it than P Ca.

The we discussed a recent blood test which gave me borderline results on blood sugers and lipids. The doctor was monumentally uncocerned but prescribed statins anyway because of my age.


On the other hand I am, so far, not having very much in the way of side effects of the Zoladex. Not expressing any joy on this because I reckon that in about a month there might be more to report.

The only one I can report is a complete loss of anything that might be pretending to be a libido. There might be some mild events vaguely pretending to be a hot flush, but I can be sure. Some fatigue, but that is more likely to be because I have been rushing around like a headless chicken."

As you can see, the overall discussion kept veering off the subject, but the last two paragraphs are the ones which led to this query.

Can anyone give me an idea when furteher side effects might appear?

I am content with the wait and see approach, but I'd sort of like to recognise them when they happen.

  • Hi  Please be aware that a rise in blood sugar is a common side effect (more than 1 in 10) of Zoladex. You should pass this information to your GP as many medical professionals aren't aware of it. Google for "Zoladex patient information leaflet" and download the PDF.

    I hope that helps.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Hi  , there isn’t a simple answer.  There is a list of possible side effects and each recipient is in a lottery for which if any you get.  For me libido, hot flushes and fatigue are all I know about and personally none of those are impossible to live with. Yes life changes, but it does with age anyway.  Still manage to have a good laugh with friends and get to enjoy grandkids.  I can cope with that!  Although youngest (9) staying with us for 2 nights has managed to get sun cream on our new carpet today!  Hey Ho could be worse.  Doesn’t seem so bad after a glass of red!  Best wishes, David

  •    thank you!

    I mentioned to the GP that Zoladex can impact blood sugar.

    There was a look of surprise.

    Not sure whether it was surprise because she didn't know, or surprise that I did.

  • Hi Mstev2,

    2 months and fatigue, ed and hot flushes kick in. The main issue for my husband is the fatigue.

    Lots of love


  • Thank you Dafna - another three weeks to go, then, by that count.


  • Thank you.

    Have done that.

    It's only mildly scary 

    Slight smile

  • My OH has frequent hot flushes day and night. He’s coping well and it’s brought the PSA down dramatically, his second implant is in 2 weeks so will wait and see. He has also started aluptimide which hasn’t been any change. Best wishes.