update on my prostate / bone cancer Treatment (Apalutamide tablets)

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  • 132 subscribers


I had a consultation with the Oncologist at the freeman on the 6th June PSA Blood test was taken and the level is now 4 down from 96 in February which is great news. I also signed all the paperwork to undergo the treatment set out for me. 

I have since started ApalutamideTablets (4 tablets daily for the rest of my life) Its still early days but I don't seem to be having any adverse reactions / side effects.

Is anyone on the forums taking Apalutamide as part of their treatment plan? I would really like to hear your thoughts / experiences with  Apalutamide.


Ian F 

Original Post 

I don't know where to start with this as I haven't a clue where I stand at this present moment in time.

to cut a long story short,

In January my local Doctor took a blood test from me the result of which was my PSA level came back at 6o odd. This was to rise to 90 odd a fortnight later at my urology appointment.

since then I have been for MRI, Bone and CT scans which all indicate Prostate cancer. 

Since then I have had a local anesthetic Biopsy procedure (23 samples were taken from my Prostate), which to everyone's surprise came back negative, I was told by the Urology nurse that this can happen as the cancer could be deeper rooted and  they didn't get the sample they required.

I was then sent for another Biopsy procedure this time under general anesthetic, (nearly 3 weeks ago which they took another 23 samples from my prostate)

I have just had a call from the Urology nurse this afternoon telling me that the second lot of biopsy's have come back negative once again.

Has anyone else been through the same sort of situation 

I am in turmoil here, I was just getting my head around my Prostate cancer situation but I'm beginning to fear the worst,

Thanks in advance for any advice.


I have been to see the Consultant Urologist at the Wansbeck today

He informed me that I have an extremely rare case indeed, where 2 separate biopsies have come back negative but the scans have shown a spread to Lymph nodes and Bones.

The cancer is high up within the prostate and into the seminal gland. so deem that no more biopsies will be carried out. The cancer is Stage 5 and has spread outside the prostate capsule and into my lymph nodes, The bone scan revealed that it has spread to my Femur, Tibia, fibula and Skull.

The consultant told me that due to the extent of the spread I've probably had this for 2 to 3 years undetected.

The positive is (if there is one) No Radio or Chemo-therapy is deemed suitable and the treatment will be in tablet form, along side the 6 monthly HT they did mention the names of the 2 different types to be prescribed at my Oncology appointment but there was a lot to take in at the time.

will keep you posted 

Ian F

  • Good afternoon IanF, my oh will be starting Apalutamide tablets, 4 a day from the 12th of July so I will keep you updated. This is all new to us and feeling we are going in to a mine field. We too have an oncologist from the Freeman and he’s keeping us informed and so positive. Best wishes to you.

  • Hi Majestic

    Firstly can I say you and your OH are in good hands. The Oncology team at the freeman are brilliant (best in the world). I have had nothing but positivity from the moment i had my first consultation with them, 

    Its really good to know your OH will be on the same medication. I will keep you informed of anything out of the ordinary that I come across or feel.

    like myself you may be given a diary to keep a track on the progress while taking the tablets . I have also been told to monitor my Blood pressure twice a week and report anything out of the ordinary immediately or on a weekly call with the nurse specialist for Apalutamide. 

    I hope all goes well for your OH

    Best wishes 

    Ian F

  • Hi IanF, that would be good if you could keep me updated, Thankyou. I have just bought a blood pressure machine as we were told the same. The side effects are a worry but hopefully controlled. I will keep you posted on how we get on. We will be seeing the oncologist on the 12th who is wonderful. Take care and Best of luck.

  • Hi IanF.

    Good evening, yes I have been on Apalutamide since last June 2023.

    Yes the only side effects to date are: hot sweats & fatigue & weight gain.

    I have also been told that I will also be on these for the rest of my life which is fine by me.

    But compared to how things would be without them isn't worth thinking about.

    I do hope that this is helpful???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Hi Prostate Worrier

    So glad your treatment is going so well

    That is really good to know you are not having any major side effects, fingers crossed i will continue in the same vane.

    I too have been having the hot sweats ever since i started on the 6 monthly hormone injections (I presume you are also on them) if so are they any worse with the Apalutimide?

    best wishes 

    Ian F 

  • Hi IanF.

    Many thanks for your post, yes I have been taking the Prosap injections every 3mnts along with the Apalutamide Tablets from day one so the side effects haven't changed as yet.

    I do hope that this is ok for you please let me know if there is anything else that I can help you with???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Hi Prostate Worrier

    Thanks for your replies

    I certainly will keep you informed on my progress

    all the best 

    Ian F

  • Hi IanF.

    Many thanks my friend.

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Hi All,

    my dad has been prescribed the same. He starts next week, I’ll update this thread with how he gets on.