Wide awake

  • 23 replies
  • 134 subscribers

Morning all as you can see I am wide awake so thought I would write a few words, I joined the dreaded Chemo journey along with you other brave souls on Tuesday this week, after a relatively  trouble free 6 hour session ( there was a delay as bloods came back with a marker from my liver and it was suggested the Consultant may have to change the dose ) I had the intravenous Chemo and have the Oral one to take at home, I had my third Hormone injection last Friday just prior to starting Chemo, the first side effect to ambush me unawares was the swelling in my feet which appeared almost over night they had swollen slightly after the first injection but not to the extent where my Daughter rang the doctor who had since prescribed some sort of medication to help get rid of the swelling by me weeing it out I am guessing, the other side effect to rear it’s ugly head is my sleep or serious lack of it, I am in the spare room at present kitted out with everything I need to be comfortable and I am finding it almost impossible to sleep, I get up at five when my wife gets up to go to work bless her ( we are trying to live our normal lives and her job at the local hospital gets her away from Mr Grumpy for six hours ) I dully take the endless round of medicines prescribed have a cup of tea then settle down to watch some mundane TV, I sometimes fall asleep for what seems a few minutes then am wide awake, this pattern repeats itself most of the day, the weather has been good enough to do some of my napping outside in the fresh air, also my toilet habits seem very disrupted, I have to take a mild laxative morning and evening as my Prostate Cancer is pushing through into my rectum and causing an issue passing stools so this does not help, no major issues as yet with any other side effects but the sleep issue is causing me some concern, any feedback would be most welcome from you most courageous experienced folk who are fighting the good fight, I really do appreciate any input, experiences and advice, it will help elevate some of my many concerns and help me along this most challenging journey, I do thank you all for taking time out to read my rather elongated post but please bear with me as I have only just joined this elite bad of warriors, and all this written on my phone, again many thanks. 

  • Nerd 

    I can't fault your research and consider as a Community we are all very thankful for your continued support. The information and explanations are written in a format that we simple folk can understand - so thanks - keep doing what you do.

    (Oh I discovered an emoji for "nerd".)

    Best wishes and thanks again - Brian

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Well the glasses certainly fit the bill. I enjoy handicrafts and when I turned 40 I found I was struggling to see when I was making Honiton lace. I went to the opticians and a young whippersnapper turned to me and said 'what do you expect when you get as old as that'. I'm as blind as a bat now without them. Hopefully the rest of me doesn't fit the normal stereotype. I turn the big 70 this year and am determined to grow old disgracefully.

  • Greece has been warned!  Now, wouldn't that be something to see in the local ice cream parlour - AH acting disgracefully lol