Desperate to present perfectly this time

  • 8 replies
  • 134 subscribers

On Thursday I have my 3rd try at mapping my prostate cancers in preparation for 20 sessions of radio therapy. I am desperate not to fail again. Any advice on having an empty colon, no gas and to be hydrated enough that the 450mls of water will fill my bladder will be much appreciated. My problem is if I over hydrate, before going to the hospital, although they send you for a pee, the 450mls will have me bursting for a pee before the process is over. At 77 years old I can manage about 45 minutes, but I believe the process takes an hour.

  • Hi  , just do your best and make sure you explain to the radiographers that you are really worried about being able to last.  If you follow the advice that we have already suggested, you will be fine.  The staff have seen it all before and in my experience are brilliant.  Good luck, David

  • The day before, avoid things like fruits or broccoli that can ferment and generate gas. There is also some drug that can help with that. Good luck.

  • Whilst I know we are all different here is the process that I was instructed to follow. for my CT scan last Friday.

    These instructions were given to me at the pre CT scan meeting...

    I received a comprehensive run-down of the CT scan and treatment process. Also received my medication to use in the five days before the scan and before the first RT appointment. This amounts to a mild laxative (Laxido) morning and evening and a ‘wind’ reducing capsule (Wind-eze) three times each day for the five days before each of the above appointments.
    I have also been instructed to drink at least two litres of water each day.
    Mini-enemas also in my pack of medicines ready for the CT scan and RT attendances which are scheduled to begin on the 18th July..  

    This all worked perfectly for me, the laxative and enema had nothing to move.  The only delay was my bladder being rather slow to fill but once having 180ml in my bladder the actual scan took no more than five minutes.

    Good luck  

  • Well Chaps, finally at the 4th attempt I got it right. I am now mapped for my Radio Therapy. 20 sessions starting in July. Thank you everyone for your encouragement.

  • CONGRATULATIONS Champagne glass

    We all knew you could do it!! (I am not sure 4th time is a record you wish to claim Grimacing). But well done anyway.

    Just the 20 fractions on the old "sunbed" to look forward to now. Please keep us posted.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Congratulations I’m on HT at the moment 2 months in and hopefully start RT after my Appointment in August,good luck Robert 

  • Well done.  I found getting my tattoos the hardest part of RT with a few refusals.  Sailed through 37 RT sessions after that without getting bounced once.  You will be fine now. Best wishes, David