Bone mets and back pain

  • 3 replies
  • 132 subscribers

My husband was dignosed 18 months ago, and was told cancer had spread to his spine. After a scan he was also told he has osteoporosis, but we have never been told whether this is as a result of the cancer or a separate issue. He has constant pain in his lower back and hips, which the oncologists don't seem to address at all; they just tell him to take paracetamol, which doesn't help. Does anyone know of anything that might help with his pain? He uses 25mg matrifen patches, but nothing seems to ease the pain. He's had radiotherapy and some chemo in the past year, also on prostap injections. Any ideas/opinions gratefully received, thanks. 

  • Hello  .

    My husband has osteoarthritis and gets severe back pain at times because the muscles tense up and the nerves get aggravated. He broke his back and has a crumbling spine. Many years ago he was referred to a pain management course run by the NHS. They treated the body as a whole, advised on strategies to manage the pain, adjusting the types of medication and when/how to use them to prevent the body getting used to them and becoming less effective. They also tailored physiotherapy alongside relaxation techniques. Hydrotherapy helped tone up the muscles to support the spine and this is helped with regular swimming which takes the weight off the bones. He also has regular sessions with an osteopath who treats him holistically.

    Can I also suggest asking advice at your local hospice - they are there to help maintain quality of life and are not just for end of life.

  • Hi Spiritinthesky.

    I was also diagnosed (Terminal) just over a year ago now and it has also spread to my bones .

    My consultant put me straight on to Hormone Therapy which has brought my PSA down from 1000+ to 0.9 which is crazy.

    I have been using the below meds for my chronic pain following brain surgeries previously:



    Morphine Patch.



    These helped pre Cancer so hopefully they will be helpful with my Cancer Journey going forward.

    Please please let me know if there is anything that I can help/support you with??

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Hi spiritinthesky

    Nice name, Have he ever tried acupuncture? My back was, let’s say not good, I would climb out of my seat and walk about like a man of 100 with back ache, I had around 12 sessions and it did help.

    My wife bought me a back brace, which also helps with movement, the medication I could take was co codormol, if the pain got worse there was tramadol which is fairly strong. 
    I have shadows on my spine and I’m going through my second time of chemo, possibly up to ten treatments ( I’m starting my third Wednesday ) radiotherapy is another possibility that could help with his back, but this has to be discussed with his oncologist, these are just ideas hope they help.

    Stay safe
