I wonder

  • 8 replies
  • 134 subscribers

Hi All

Well my first chemo hit me sepsis and oral thrush, my second gave me a chest infection, my third starting this Wednesday who knows.

I've already booked my appointment for a stay at Tye hospital again ( joking ) seems like I might need a seasonal ticket. It’s driving my wife to tears all the stress and anguish, especially the first week as my temperature spikes, as soon as she sees it rise to mid 37s then panic, my first port of call is to take some paracetamol to see if it lowers it, then if not it’s a phone call to Christie’s then down to A and E ( I think I’m on first name basis with doctors and nurses ) 

I’ve my fingers crossed for getting through the next few unscathed, but you never know, if they give me more anti biotics, I think I might become immune.

Anyway everyone, we may start seeing a bit of sun at last, I’ve bought a peeky blinders cap and factor 50/75 sun cream so I can enjoy a little sit out.

Take care all.

Stay safe


  • Hello Joe ( )

    Thanks for the update - as they say - things can only get better - good luck with round 3.

    I am back home tomorrow - if the sh*t hits the fan again and you end up in Salford or Christies - drop me a PM - I am more than happy to pay you a visit - you are only "down the road" and I do know what it's like to be stuck in "clink"!

    Kind Regards - Brian,

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Joeven.

    Good morning it's great to meet you today I do hope that you are having a good morning.

    I am very sorry to hear that you are having problems with your chemo.

    Fingers crossed that your next session is much better for you???

    I'm now going in to my 2nd year pre diagnosis and I am still still having Hormone Therapy on it's own.

    Yes I have had a season ticket for my local hospital for a number of years now following a Stroke in 1998 at the age of 32 whilst we were on a family holiday in Spain.

    Yes I have had a permanent catheter for a number of years now and antibiotics are my next too medication as I constantly have bladder infections.

    I do hope that everything goes well with your chemo this Wednesday and hopefully you will have a number of other members get in touch with their experiences of chemo as I haven't started that journey as yet.

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Hi Joe.

    All the best to you and your other half. I know it's no comfort for her and doesn't ease the anxiety, but tell her that we do understand what it is like. I hate seeing what treatments do to my other half and am on edge wondering when is the right time to intervene. They say it can be more difficult dealing with a recurrence because it brings back all the initial fears, and then some. I really hope the next session goes better and send a big hug to both of you. It's our wacky sense of humour which has helped us through this rollercoaster and I see that you are on the same wavelength.

  • Hi Joe,Sorry that your having a hard time at the moment hopefully this time no complications and thanks for sharing with us good luck xxx Robert

  • Hi everyone 

    Thank you for the messages, this is why I’ve not been replying to often, really devoid of any strength and having two blown knees ( was going to have treatment before chemo, then cancelled, ) does not help my cause, never had a fall yet, determined to keep that going.

    Stay safe


  • Hello Joe, I really hope that round 3 goes well for you! It’s certainly been tough so far! My sympathy also goes out to your wife, it sounds as if she, too, is struggling. It’s really tough for us wives because we feel so helpless watching you men struggle and, also, there is the responsibility of having to know when or when not to call for medical assistance.

    take good care of yourselves and I send you both a big hug and best wishes for an easy ride from now on in.


  • Hi  , I struggled with chemo and only managed 4 rounds with neutropenia and pneumonia thrown in for good measure at round 3.  It was certainly my lowest time during the 7 years since diagnosis.  I had this theory that as I was reacting so badly to Docetaxel maybe it was really working well!  Strange how some people react very differently to drugs but it only goes to emphasise that we are all so different.   
    I am convinced that going through PCa is harder for our OH’s than it is for us.  Stay positive and I hope you sail through the remaining sessions with no incidents.   Best wishes to you both, David

  • Sorry to read this. I drove my husband mad constantly moaning at him to do his temperature whilst he was having chemo. His usual words were" but I only did it 30 mins ago". One look from me usually got him reaching for the thermometer. After a few sessions of chemo I did get less obsessed with it. Good luck on Wednesday.