
  • 13 replies
  • 132 subscribers

Hi. My husband recently diagnosed with Intraductal carcinoma of prostate. Lesion Pirus 4 on MRI. Biopsy showed no invasive cancer cells. Oncologist was very reassuring and said very low grade and advised active surveillance. However, everything I read about Intraductal carcinoma describes it as associated with high grade and aggressive. I would like a second opinion but my husband has confidence with the Oncologist. It’s causing stress in our relationship. Does anyone know if I’m overreacting?

  • Morning  

    yes, I saw that - I just wanted to elaborate on the reasoning and offer my support.  As always, you and  were on the ball with your own advice before me.   It’s great that our merry band of brothers (and sisters) work so well as a team - there is someone on hand with a quick response to a question.   AW

  • Oh good. You always add extra invaluable information and are, of course, our Brachytherapy Boost champion warrior. I hope you are still having fine weather in Menorca for the last week of hiking and then a well earned holiday at the end of it.

  • Morning S74 I am Gleason 3+4 =7 and was advised to stay on AS but I declined and said I wanted HT +RT I’m glad I did as I got another consultant last week and she said I made the right decision as my PSA was up to 6.5 from 4.8 within a month,sadly I couldn’t get the operation due to my RA,but at peace of mind as I’ve started treatment,take your time and do what’s best for you and family,it certainly is a worrying time waiting but everyone on here is very helpful and caring