Our consultation with oncology

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  • 151 subscribers


husband had carotid artery scan this morning ( connected with opthalmology) - no problems!

just had oncology review. PSA ‘ well suppressed’. No more hormone therapy for 6 months. If PSA doubles then it will mean back to scans  and HT.  To expect a small rise now hormones stopped, however. Will be 5-6 months before HT side effects wear off. And….no The NHS will not do a tummy tuck or breast reduction! ( can live with that one!)

crying tears of relief right now but going out for celebratory lunch!

  • Happy days


    Enjoy your celebratory lunch ans may he have many more low PSA readings.

    (He's not the only one who needs a tummy tuck or breast reduction !!- welcome to my world!!)

    Great news - now you can move on and enjoy life - I am so pleased for the pair of you.

    Kindest Regards - Brian xx

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    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Just waiting for him to get spruced up and then we're off out. I can't stop those darned tears! I can understand the tears at the beginning of this journey but now? Ridiculous!!! x

  • What brilliant news and I bet the celebratory meal will taste all the better for it. Keep us updated on your journey and, of course, we look forward to more of your words of wisdom on the forum which I personally find so supportive and informative. The boring old f***t and I are sending you and your hubby a big hug.

  • Just ordered from the menu! Passed on your very kind words to my husband! He seems somewhat stunned by the news! It’s a weird feeling  - somewhere between having cancer and not having cancer lurking over us! At least we can have a summer without HT and hopefully the side effects will wear off. Not sure that with that we’ve order the midriff bulge is going to disappear pdq !!!!!

  • Fabulous news I am so pleased for you both. Enjoy that celebratory meal x

  • Brilliant news & a great reason to celebrate, & who cares if the midriff bulge gets a tad larger today.  As they say, tomorrow is another day to start tackling it :)

  • Thank you! It was a lovely meal out and our relief at getting to the end of HT is very real. We are both aware that it might have to be restarted but at least he’s getting a bit of a break. All the ‘bad stuff that was  happening to us over the last few weeks has nearly broken me, to be quite honest. We needed a break.

  • Hi WW - just read this joyous post (as you know, I’ve been busy with wedding and baby sitting). Great news!!!   AW

  • Brilliant news enjoy your day out xxx

  • Thank you AW. It is a tremendous relief! Hopefully your turn to ditch the HT will arrive before too long!