Radiotherapy options

  • 11 replies
  • 146 subscribers

Hi i have.been offered 4 weeks radiotherapy every day or 1day a week for 6 weeks, what should i do

  • Hello  

    As I have no idea of your diagnosis or journey to date I can't really help you. I am aware of the difference in the two offers you have had and this is in the dose of each fraction.

    To give you a more informed answer can you put some details on your profile. diagnosis, initial PSA, Gleason Score and TNM staging. to do this on your home page, click on the chair on the top right, then "profile" and then "edit". (you can read mine by clicking on my avatar  - but you don't need to write that much!!).

    Thanks in anticipation.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Depends how far you have

     to travel. Our centre is 2hours away.  

  • Just wondering about how you feel side effects etc and do you feel better getting it everyday or every week i dont think it affects the outcome

  • Hi Alberto 

    4 weeks Radiotherapy has been in place for some years now,  it used to be longer.

    I think the 1 day a week for 6 weeks is relatively new although has been tested for some time I presume.

    So with the latter you get a higher dosage each visit compared to the 4 weeks one.

    Because I presume there are no long term success rates on the 6 visit treatment you could argue the tried and well tested 4 weeker stint could be the answer unless of course your hospital is some distance away.

    Do some research if possible before deciding.

    What is your Gleeson and I presume tumour confined to the gland


  • If you are researching it is hypofractionated Vs ultra hypofractionated EBRT (20 sessions over 4 weeks Vs once weekly for 6 weeks). There is only limited data on the latter as long term effects have not had time to filter through for all the different T groups.

  • I am taking the 4 weeks as I stay 2 hours away from Glasgow so will stay in the hotel onsite Monday to Friday then home at the weekend,

  • Treat it as a little holiday but be aware that fatigue can build up the more sessions you have. We had to stay away from home for 7 weeks whilst hubby had 33 sessions of EBRT and found it best to get into a routine of meals and exercise to keep the bowels regular. Staying in a hotel may make it more challenging to avoid some of the wind producers and remember - no alcohol. All the best for your treatment and let us know how you get on.

  • Thanks for the tips I’m afraid re hotel stay I don’t have a choice as it’s too far to travel each day but I will keep to a routine and there’s a big loons beside the hotel at the Beatson so I’ll be doing laps and keeping fitness up if I can,it’s the waiting to start treatment that’s so annoying as the mind starts wandering and I’m having so much trouble with ansomnia at the moment, 

  • A big pond I meant to say not loomsUpside down

  • Join the club with the insomnia Robert. I have been caffeine free for 4 years, tried camomile, limit evening food and drink, tried counting sheep and emptying my mind (that's assuming I have got one), sleeping tablets don't work, you name it I've tried it. There is something about 4 o'clock being the 'dead hour' when people's sleep pattern changes but for me it is BOING and I am awake and cannot get back to sleep.

    We have had 2 spells of having to stay away from home for treatment and have managed to find an apartment or cottage so that we could self cater, plus you are not disturbed by cleaning staff coming in and out. Having a lake to walk round will be more interesting than pavement pounded the streets.